C0 Shenhe + Ganyu/Ayaka/Eula is AMAZING! Combos, Synergy & Showcases | Genshin Impact

In this video I use a C0 Ayaka with a 4* weapon to showcase what potential she has to support my ayaka ganyu and eula as well as spiral abyss showcases on floor 12 #genshinimpact #shenhe #ganyu
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36 thoughts on “C0 Shenhe + Ganyu/Ayaka/Eula is AMAZING! Combos, Synergy & Showcases | Genshin Impact”

  1. I mean but does it really matter if you use your Charged attack or quills?
    Afaik Shenhe's damage is additive and not a buff so she will add the same amount of FLAT damage to anything that's cryo which means that in this scenario when you were fighting against the 2 doggos it most likely hit them equally and did max damage anyway.
    And if you're fighting multiple enemies then what you said is true however it will also just consume all your stacks at once so it really doesn't make a big difference if you charge attack or burst, just looks cooler cuz bigger number.

  2. Wait a sec… If you have Shenhe Chongyun and Eula and Kazuha

    You use Chongyun's E to infuse normal attacks of Eula + Shenhe and Kazuha to debuff

    Already eula does around 18.000 – 20.000~ damage i wonder with these 3 how much would change ..
    Or maybe instead of Kazuha because this is a normal attack.. maybe Yunjin is better.. a C6 Yunjin that also gives 12% Atk speed and if you have the Broken Pines for Eula another atk speed increase…. Probably is better in terms of normal attacks of course on Chongyun you would need a Sac R5 for 100% uptime for his E, this should be an interesting experiment.

  3. Lots of people forget the investment required for her. Yes she is super niche to an element but similar to Albedo before his dedicated set, she doesn’t need Crit values or rather highly invested artifacts to provide great support damage, this is tied to her skill and doesn’t even rely on energy as much as the universal supports such as international function. Albedo is often praised for his ability to slot into any team but that doesn’t mean he is very valuable outside of his Geo resonance teams much like Shenhe. Imo she is most relatable to Albedo as another off field damage unit but not relatable to Archon support or international/Kazuha supports

  4. Are you sure if you hold Shenhe's E then those quills will be consumed by Ganyu's Q? I thought only her tap E would be used on burst damage, while hold E will boost charged attacks.

  5. Not really convinced Ganyu is great with Shenhe. That extra damage gets eaten up in one shot if there are multiple opponents. Plus you cannot use Ganyu’s burst (as you stated, unless you are C6, but in that case, you likely don’t need the extra damage anyway).
    She seems great with Ayaka freeze team, specifically with charge attacks more than the burst.
    However, the damage increase seems to be about the same as using Kazuha, who is an all around better support and widely more usable. To me, it seems better to wait for a Kazuha rerun if you do not have Kazuha yet.

  6. Wavebreakers Fin! Didn't think about that one, I'm gonna give it shot, while still pulling for her weapon. I feel more excited to play when shown her potential and how it's possible for FTPs too. So cool thanks for sharing!

  7. mochiron. without any doubt she is a very powerful if not the best cryo buffer right now. the only reason people who main cryo units are debating is because zhongli, xiao, and ganyu are around (and yae soon). never really realized how bad a spot shenhe is in rn (unless you're a day 1/late game player)

    personally i main both ayaka and chongyun. id really love shenhe to pair with my chongyun but zhongli is thereeee 😭. also, yes id love to see shenhe/eula teams! doesnt shenhe shred phys?

  8. Great video as always, I'd be glad to get Shen He but if she doesn't come it just means I guarantee Kazuha to make my account even better

    I was pulling for Yun Jin very close to pity and I got C4 Mona, she loves me
    I have more cons on Mona than I do on Fischl

  9. My team was: Eula, Diona (shield & Heal & energy recharge for Eula), Raiden & Sarah. I'm not sure if Shenhe works good with Eula, since she Buffs Cryo damage only as I understand. Since I got her on 50/50, it's better than Qiqi, but I still have lot's of questions should I put her into the last slot, or Bennet/Sarah will work better in my team.

  10. i dont think it should mattter if the quils proc on the burst or charged shots on ganyu since it just adds a flat bonus to the damage so it only factors in crit damge which should be the same on ganyu burst as it is charge shots. i think anyway?

  11. hey hydro, would love it if u could test the team im runnin.. chong, shen, sucrose and bene… doing reverse melt chong ults. im gettin like 80k per chong sword max atm, but im not sure hwo the snapshotting and everything works with benes ult.


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