C0 Neuvillette Hyperbloom and C0 Arlecchino Vaporize – Genshin Impact Abyss 4.5 – Floor 12 9 Stars

first testing, she feels solid

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Arlecchino: Lullaby – Remix Cover (Genshin Impact)
Remix by Vetrom

Fountain of Belleau – Disc 4: La bataille de Fontaine|Genshin Impact

Timestamp :
00:00 – Floor 12-1-1
00:43 – Floor 12-1-2

01:13 – Floor 12-2-1
02:03 – Floor 12-2-2

03:01 – Floor 12-3-1
03:49 – Floor 12-3-2

04:42 – Builds Team Neuvillette Hyperbloom
06:05 – Builds Team Arlecchino Vape

#GenshinImpact #neuvillette #arlecchino #SpiralAbyss #原η₯ž #genshinguide #hoyocreators #fontaine #sumeru #inazuma #liyue #mondstadt #げんしん #원신 #showcase #f2pgenshin #speedrun #genshingameplay #LanternRite2024 #ChenyuVale


10 thoughts on “C0 Neuvillette Hyperbloom and C0 Arlecchino Vaporize – Genshin Impact Abyss 4.5 – Floor 12 9 Stars”

  1. hello guys, how is your arle pulls? wish you luck on your pulls
    i got Keqing on the first pull then Arlecchino later and because of that i don't have any primo for the weapon so im using what i have.
    it's also pain that considering her best artifacts is new and i don't even finish with Navia set. it's gonna be long until i switch from this 4 gladiator.
    She feels solid but as for gameplay i feel like the same as other character for example like Raiden that do E first – switch support – Q combo, but the Q part is change to CA for Arlecchino.
    also worth for considering that she cannot heal beside with her Q, if you bring her without shielder i suggest that she need more ER for the burst.
    I didn't do full combo because i sometimes dodge too fast and i cancel my hit on the end of combo so i did N# most of the time for consistency within my muscle memory.
    if there's any tips about her let me know!
    Thanks for watching


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