C0 Emilie Ayaka Burning & C0 Clorinde Taser | Spiral Abyss 4.8 | Genshin Impact

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Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya OST Emiya

0:00 12-1-1
1:09 12-1-2
2:21 12-2-1
3:01 12-2-2
4:11 12-3-1
4:59 12-3-2
6:25 Builds Team Emilie Ayaka Burning
8:35 Builds Team Clorinde Taser

#genshinimpact #emilie #yelan #ayaka #clorinde #spiralabyss #原神


27 thoughts on “C0 Emilie Ayaka Burning & C0 Clorinde Taser | Spiral Abyss 4.8 | Genshin Impact”

  1. The Ayaka team is rather a unique team. Won't the burning got interrupted by Ayaka cryo attacks & it'll change into melt? 🤔 Anyway, thank you for such amazing showcase. I hope you have a wonderful day ❤❤


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