C0 Ayato Furina Freeze & C0 Raiden Aggravate | Spiral Abyss 4.2 | Genshin Impact

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「Tighnari: Plant Patrol」| EPIC VERSION | Genshin Impact | Fan-arrangement |
Remix by Atharva Mohite Music

Fate/Grand Order – Grand Battle (tnbee mix)
Remix by tnbee
Charlotte Theme Music EXTENDED – Breaking News! (tnbee mix) | Genshin Impact

0:00 12-1-1
1:08 12-1-2
1:52 12-2-1
2:50 12-2-2
3:33 12-3-1
4:34 12-3-2
5:33 Builds Team Ayato Furina Freeze
8:15 Builds Team Raiden Aggravate

#genshinimpact #ayato #raidenshogun #furina #yaemiko #charlotte


35 thoughts on “C0 Ayato Furina Freeze & C0 Raiden Aggravate | Spiral Abyss 4.2 | Genshin Impact”

  1. Cheers, new video from You, Shenhe, thanks a lot! 🔥 Glad to see Ayato fighting together with Your characters ☺️ Care for him 😌 And thank You from the heart for all what You do! ❤️

  2. furina turn ayato into monster ( with kazuha of course) , this team is my favorite right now, great run as always but do you think ayato with att% goblet will be better than hydro% in this team?


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