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「Tighnari: Plant Patrol」| EPIC VERSION | Genshin Impact | Fan-arrangement |
Remix by Atharva Mohite Music
Fate/Grand Order – Grand Battle (tnbee mix)
Remix by tnbee
Charlotte Theme Music EXTENDED – Breaking News! (tnbee mix) | Genshin Impact
0:00 12-1-1
1:08 12-1-2
1:52 12-2-1
2:50 12-2-2
3:33 12-3-1
4:34 12-3-2
5:33 Builds Team Ayato Furina Freeze
8:15 Builds Team Raiden Aggravate
#genshinimpact #ayato #raidenshogun #furina #yaemiko #charlotte
For those of you who took my running lines to make a video, please credit me, thank you༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
When Furina says “Tada” it’s so sweet 💕
Idk why hoyo just release more cute characters every update😍
My favorite ayato team.
Nice Dmg on Ayato!!! That's why I love Furina too much 👌
Furina works in so many teams, wow 🙏
Furina and Charlotte are so beauty
Good run!
Hi! I wanted to ask : why did you change Furina from pneumia to ousia in the last chamber? Is it to gather the two heralds quicker?
Thanks for doing characters on their runs/reruns!
i have a question, is it better Ayato, Ayaka, Charlotte, Sucrose or Ayato, Ayaka, Layla, Sucrose?
Great run
😳 wow i doesnt thought ayato will be that much strong with furina
I hope i catch Ayato
Shenhe I want to see you use only 4 stars on Spiral abyss 😆
The pat on the head is so cute 😉
Your artifact substats are so op
1:31 why not use Sara’s burst before Miko’s?
Cheers, new video from You, Shenhe, thanks a lot! 🔥 Glad to see Ayato fighting together with Your characters ☺️ Care for him 😌 And thank You from the heart for all what You do! ❤️
Very nice Ayato team with Furina
Don't you intend to activate Furina's constellations?
what about anemo for aggravate?
furina turn ayato into monster ( with kazuha of course) , this team is my favorite right now, great run as always but do you think ayato with att% goblet will be better than hydro% in this team?
Your gameplay is always so satisfying ❤️🔥
love your videos❤
Im planning to upgrade Ayato's cons. Aside from maximizing it to C6, What is his peak constellation?
How long did it take for your Ayato to build?
wow look at those pieces
Hello Shenhe can you make a geo abyss run? Like Noelle, Gorou Yunjin Furina or something of the kind. Would love to see how you play it especially the rotation 🥹🤞
Do u have cyno ?
Your ayato artefact absolutely beast!
Wow that run went nuts! Big W
How can you run so fast?