BROKEN HYDRO SUPPORT! Updated Xingqiu Guide – Best Artifacts, Weapons & Teams | Genshin Impact 2.4

Xingqiu is broken. Here’s a COMPLETE guide on how to build Xingqiu (best artifacts, weapons, teams & more).
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Shoutout to Zajef77 (math guy):

i really appreciate likes & subs ty

Initial Info (0:00)
Playstyle & Abilities (0:42)
Why Xingqiu is BROKEN [Advanced Info] (3:27)
Artifact Sets (5:07)
Artifact Stats [How Much ER?] (7:09)
Weapons [Very Detailed] (9:18)
Constellations [How Good Are They?] (13:19)
Teams [Important] (15:27)
Overall (17:54)


33 thoughts on “BROKEN HYDRO SUPPORT! Updated Xingqiu Guide – Best Artifacts, Weapons & Teams | Genshin Impact 2.4”

  1. rain swords go brrrrr

    also at 14:16 i say i covered c4 earlier in the video but that section was removed as it was redundant & i just explained it in the constellations section (basically: use e>q before c4 then q>e after c4)

  2. I have an r2 sac sword and honestly it’s way better to stall his rotation by 3-5 seconds to get the sac proc than to just get a single proc on his skill and wait for the next burst to get the double proc

  3. I pulled him early and he's been on my team ever since. Used to be Anemo traveler, Qiqi, Xingqiu, Yanfei for me (they got me through open world and the first 5 floors of the abyss), now I switch up teams a lot because I enjoy trying different combos but he's still in like 90% of them.

  4. He's one of my fav ever since I got him 2 years ago. He was one of my first 4 stars and has been on my lost of most used characters. Early Genshin 4 stars are among the best characters in the game. If you have him, build him!

  5. Most of the info is right but to clarify Raincutter: normal attacks trigger sword rain attacks, there is an internal cooldown (~1 sec) and it is not a random proc. Neither is the amount of swords random, they alternate between 2 and 3 swords (or 2, 3, then 5 swords at C6). This may be confused with the Sacrificial Sword ability which is only an 80% proc at R5.

  6. I hav build him so lomg and my damage not improved. He only hit 2990 per rainsword the most. I hav no idea why. I pair him with Hutao. My fri hitted like 6k per rainsword. I'm still c2 and she is c3. both around (15k atk and 53/140) ratio Why does it doux difference? I wanna hear some advices.

  7. All of my characters builds are all based on your videos, the old and updated ones. Your explanation is very easy to understand and straight to the point, with options for F2P (though I'm not). Thank you for making great videos! πŸ™Œ


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