Breaking News: Apparently Genshin Impact Is Dying For The 69420th Time!

I know people are upset with the slow patches and a general lack of meaningful content for Genshin Impact. But can everyone just chill with the doomposting?



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34 thoughts on “Breaking News: Apparently Genshin Impact Is Dying For The 69420th Time!”

  1. If Genshin Impact is a "side chick", then Honkai Impact is almost like a very close mistress, especially with how Rita and The Captain in Honkai gets closer than any Genshin Impact's character side stories and dating-sim hangout events could go with

    So even Genshin loose to it's sibling since the early years' comparison, the game's really needs competition and we don't need just doomposters, but also conformists that think the game is as "fine" as it is, Genshin's balance and character skills' still has certain bugs that doesn't even fixed since each of their releases, let alone expecting anything actually good to happen in the game

    Even exploring new areas feel like a chore since everyone know that vast majority of every players are here for primogems grinding and having a bithc FOMO of false hoping their gacha results will be better (probably another 150+ wishes to get newest 5* char cycle all over again, it's bloody abusive relationship), how the heck that this game is even recommended to everyone when it's ended up making most newbies falls to the same decrepit spiralling hellholes

  2. Ok ok, got the point u were making but I have a question:

    wtf is a half-laugh?

    We really need pick up some vocabulary once in a while. It doesn't take climbing a mountain to learn the ryt word.

  3. I'm a relatively new player and I'm enjoying the game greatly. 😊 I feel a little bit of the opposite of the more veteran players. I 'm a little stressed out and fear that I wont have time to get through the game far and fast enough to play the time limited events. I'm getting there though. 😊

  4. Imo it would be better to have the ability to just play 20/30 mins each day, instead of forcing everyone to play that way, but I do see where you're coming from.

  5. With The Chasm and Sumeru on the way… nah.

    I appreciate that it is largely a hands-off game. Although you still need to grind tasks every day… it doesn't require an intensive commitment. Go play Elden Ring or something. Not everyone wants that.

  6. I really enjoy the mellow pace, with bursts of activity. Slow times allow me to focus on building a character up (Sucrose for sure this time 🤣 She's been patient) and/or start building resources for my next pull (aiming to Kazuha, whenever he arrives). I haven't even properly explored Seirai Island. Isn't there some big underground puzzle? Which involves draining water or something 🤔 I'll get to it. At some point. Chill is what I'm here for 👌🏻

  7. Dunno, during 1.4-1.6 I actually had a lot of fun with Genshin even If I log in only on half an hour a day or only on weekend. This were filler patches but they had good stuff in them. Now I just stopped playing completely, current patches feels kind of dry even on Genshin standards.

    But maybe it's just me getting bored with game, I will probably come back when Sumeru drops and there is bunch of new content to go through.

  8. Player since 1.1 here, I am very burnt out. There's nothing to do, and there aren't fun events like Windblume and Midsummer Event, Three Realms Getaway is… eh. Really, eh. It doesn't match up to something like Midsummer, even if it's basically the same type of event. There's barely any primogem source when events are done, only commissions (and abyss when it resets). I got burnt out already in the heights of Inazuma, like the first event in Inazuma right after Ayaka's banner– that was my first source of burn out. Now, 2.5, I'm only interested in the lore. It sucks.
    PS: I'm just waiting for Fatui patches– like Scaramouche's release. For now, I'm saving for Kazuha, Thundering Pulse, Scaramouche and, hopefully, Childe's c6.

  9. I do think it’s not as popular as it was but it’s cause of the lack of content and all the blockbuster games coming out . I will say this game is definitely going to die if they don’t do something about speeding the story up I can’t see me playing another 4 years just to finish up the story

  10. 0:53 what are you even talking about man.. nobody cares about content patches. People are frustrated because there is 0,0000001% endgame content. Nothing playworthy or farmworthy but a 1h abyss every 2 weeks. Thats basically NOTHING. Look at games like Summoners War that has almost more endgame content and pvp content than you can play or farm for per day. Genshin doesnt even has pvp content at all lol thats not just sad thats a gross miscalculation by mihoyo from a business perspective. With endgame and pvp content, people would stay/play more with ambition… they are missing out on a whole world of gamers willing to pay money.

  11. Ftp players are no longer interested because abyss becomes so not worth it and imposible and even the world bosses are a pain like try doing Signiora without Zhonli smh

  12. That analogy is so weird, comparing Genshin to an actual relationship.
    I get that they both require time, but one is for entertainment and the other one a human being, that comparison doesn‘t work for me personally but you do you. I like your content a lot btw!

  13. its annoying but currently i dont think its dying. if this keeps up then yea it will but yea were in a slow content period. next version is obviously gonna be way better. im hoping kuki shinobu comes soon cuz im VERY interested in her


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