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As a 2-3 month player I am saving glitter, I have C4 Xingque and C2 Ning so your points are spot on.
Valid points..I was expecting the same ole same monthly shop reset rhetoric for the past year🤣
Tip for f2p players if you see xing qiu and Bennett in the shop just chg it. Every cons count. 😁
Blackcliff Long Sword is realy good on Ayaka. Ayaka reaches like 70% crit rate without artefacts and weapon in double cyro frezz combs.
You finally came around huh.
From the beginning I said save starglitter for wishes unless you're going for OG 4 star cons.
Kurumii94 is HUGE! Pog
You've been warning up to save these for a year. I thibk it's safe to spend
AYYYY My 4th Amber con!! LETSGO
I started on genshin exactly 3 months ago. My plan was to get refining 5 from the blackcliff pole since it is refining 3, but now I'm in doubt.
oh wow so this idiot's recommendation for the past year has been b uy blackcliff, now its a obsolete shit tier weapon that will be replaced with free weapons, and you could have done many summons instead
The only reason I got Ningguang from this month: She was C5 and I needed one more for C6. I think The Starglitter shop needs to be updated to include more 4-star characters.
I got agate cause I didn't have any catalyst. Then, the game blessed me with so many gacha options after a year of me playing.
nice tips Seka! but shouldn't we be saving on fates for the standard banner as well (due to 'expected' changes there) ?
I've had Hu Tao stuck without any usable 4-star polearms for about 4 months now. Picked her up within a couple months of playing and thought that I would eventually get a Dragons Bane or something by now, but sadly couldn't, so I gave in to temptation and bought the blackcliff polearm. Sorry guys ;-;
I'm picking up c5 xinqiu so if the leaks are right I can pick up c6. Since hu tao is one of my built DPS carries I think its worth it to get sooner rather than later.
I’m a little miffed that my nephew “accidentally” bought a Royal Catalyst last week. Waaaaahhhhhh!!! 😒 He could have bought ANY other weapon and I would have been like…. Ok…. 🤷🏻♂️ I don’t think I’ve ever murdered an enemy with any catalyst, ever! He’s banned from my house!! 🤣
The only blackcliff weapon I have is that pole arm for hutao. Though in future if they decide to replace them with new series of weapons, I hope they add more f2p friendly weapons.
Wishfull thinking
Bought the Blackcliff for Hu Tao back on her first banner. Since I didn't have Dragon's Bane, even now. Saved up for guaranteed weapon and now she's rocking the Homa.
is c3 xingqiu worth my 34 starglitter?
I mained Ning at C0, still main her at C1 and will absolutely grab any Ning dupe I can to get her to C6 asap
There has been some rumors (not sure if confirmed) but shouldn't be saving the standart banner wishes as well? It's going to change and might add some more 5 star in 3.0
It was very helpful video for a beginners like me thank u so much
Click bait, in summary he wants you to save your star glitters
ughhh sadly Hoyoverse/Mihoyo wont change anything