BIG WARNING! March 2022 Masterless Starglitter Shop Reset | Time to Start Saving! | Genshin Impact

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25 thoughts on “BIG WARNING! March 2022 Masterless Starglitter Shop Reset | Time to Start Saving! | Genshin Impact”

  1. oh wow so this idiot's recommendation for the past year has been b uy blackcliff, now its a obsolete shit tier weapon that will be replaced with free weapons, and you could have done many summons instead

  2. I've had Hu Tao stuck without any usable 4-star polearms for about 4 months now. Picked her up within a couple months of playing and thought that I would eventually get a Dragons Bane or something by now, but sadly couldn't, so I gave in to temptation and bought the blackcliff polearm. Sorry guys ;-;

  3. I’m a little miffed that my nephew “accidentally” bought a Royal Catalyst last week. Waaaaahhhhhh!!! 😒 He could have bought ANY other weapon and I would have been like…. Ok…. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I don’t think I’ve ever murdered an enemy with any catalyst, ever! He’s banned from my house!! 🤣

  4. The only blackcliff weapon I have is that pole arm for hutao. Though in future if they decide to replace them with new series of weapons, I hope they add more f2p friendly weapons.

  5. Bought the Blackcliff for Hu Tao back on her first banner. Since I didn't have Dragon's Bane, even now. Saved up for guaranteed weapon and now she's rocking the Homa.


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