BEST ZHONGLI BUILD FOR DPS & SUPPORT! Best Weapons, Artifacts + In-Depth Stat Guide | Genshin Impact

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0:00 – Intro
0:50 – DPS Artifacts Comparison
1:24 – DPS Weapon Comparison
2:54 – Conclusion: Best DPS Builds
3:22 – Support Artifacts
3:50 – Support Artifacts Main Stats
4:25 – Support Weapons
5:52 – Conclusion: Best Support Loadouts
6:30 – Artifact Substat Guide
7:25 – Outro

Shoutout to Sirius from the Genshin Impact Damage Calculator Discord. Link to the calculator here:

#genshin #zhongli #math


44 thoughts on “BEST ZHONGLI BUILD FOR DPS & SUPPORT! Best Weapons, Artifacts + In-Depth Stat Guide | Genshin Impact”

  1. For everyone that keeps asking about Favonius for Support – it’s worse than Black Tassel, except you get the energy recharge substat. Would not recommend, especially if you’re running double Geo because Zhong ult is only 40 energy.

  2. Well of course there is also the "Save me Daddy" build that literally everybody knows how to build.
    Black Tassel, 4 Piece Noblesse w/ HP, HP and HP (maybe Geo Damage? no point though).
    Gives you the bad habit of never dodging. Not even Childe Ult.

  3. I have 6 polearm prototyoes so would that make a difference with the prototype star glitter for support zhongli. I’m gonna use him as support but I still want his ult to hit decently hard. Should just go black tassel then (I don’t have the other polearms)? I’m thinking of using it until i can get a favonius lance maybe. Im also using an HP sand so should I switch to atk sands if I go the black tassel route?

  4. Im using him with favonuis Lance lvl 90 ref lvl 5. i dont need a second geo caracter in my team or any ER artifact. I can spam ult and do 60k damage with 55%critrate and 115% critdamage. Im using using 2nobles and 2 petra with hp /attack/attack/geo/critrate. Im surprises that you didnt test favonius lance..

  5. You did not include Favonius Spear which is the best for Zhongli Burst Support SPAM. Yeah the damage is "worse" than the spears you mentioned but it did not matter if when the meteor hit 4 or 6 enemies you have your burst full and ready to strike again waiting the CD.

  6. The most complex unit to build by far as of now imo yet still the strongest by far as well :]

    And one more thing for the weapons,
    (I am assuming) it doesn’t take into value the effect and usefulness of something like percent energy recharge which can be very valuable especially as a support so if you want that maybe going for something like a Skyward Polearm might be your best overall option. Just something to think about.

  7. I'm sorry but that data 4:00 seems to be mathematically unrealistic and probably misleading.
    First thing first, those 50k burst DMG is inaccurate, which probably only possible if you hit it against a Level 1 Hilichurl, or having a Lv10 Burst Talent. Considering the Shield has 6,668 HP which means a Lv6 Skill Talent, realistically give or take, if Burst Talent is about Lv6 as well, there is no way you can do that much DMG.

    I did my own testing with that calculator site, even AFTER buffed with Lv10 Burst Talent, Lv90 Refine 5 Deathmatch (with less than 2 enemies), Lv20 Archaic + Noblesse sets… an HP%/Geo/CritD build against a Lv90 Hilichurl could only do about 48k Critical DMG… and here comes the second problem…
    That 48k DMG is actually only a "gross" DMG from the Critical Hit occurrence, it's not happening all the time (hence the third number on the calculator site is what for), which has average DpS of only 33k DMG, it represents the "net" DMG after taking the Critical Rate percentage into account, the real DpS.

    My point is, HP%/Geo/CritD is only good because Deathmarch already offers Critical Rate, which is why CritD yields more DpS. But if it's other weapon, CritR or even HP% probably has a better result. Basically we can't really put what is the best build as simple as that, since everyone has different Sub Stats Artifacts that making it so hard to tell in general. That's why I said it's misleading.

  8. Man now I gotta get a HP time piece and replace my Black cliff on him… With black tassel for now
    Ps I mean doin 90k+ sometimes with Bennet buff and geo resonance but I think u give accurate results and black tassel would just improve it

  9. I disagree with Bolide being close to Glad's and Bloodstained DPS, because the calculator doesn't account for Spin Kick Jump Cancel DPS increase.

    With Jump cancel, pretty sure Glad/Blood beats Bolide by a long shot.

  10. funfact if you have top5% substats the "support"build you mentioned while using the DPS artifacts is actually stronger then the DPS stat breakdown you posted by 4K Per left click. and Homa staff makes Zhongli hit 16K autos with god rolls

  11. psst just subscribed :> please make more of these! I actually enjoy your explanations and planning to do my maths on every 5 star I have. I'm presently focusing on Zhongli and Boi after grinding and getting him to 80? He's kicking ass out in Liyue I can't even… please please make more like these because it helped me and my friends!!

  12. I'd say the Skyward Spine wins when it comes to support zhongli then because of the energy recharge.
    You'll never actually stack up the weapons because the dmg you gain is not worth the time (your main DPS should easily do 5k dmg in the time it takes to stack up your sub-dps waepon). With that in mind the Skyward Spine only falls behind a little bit in dmg but you'll be using your ult wayyyyy more.

  13. Running Zhongli in Geo(MC)/Pyro Res group, four piece Bolide with HP sand and Crit on the hat. I would roll with the atk sands but they never dropped for me. I use Xinyan for bonus shield and the 15%. Results are fantastic overall, very strong build and easily decimates any domain. Extra Geo constructs are fantastic with Geo MC. You can even set up a wall to hit enemies into with your constructs.


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