BEST THOMA BUILD! Complete Thoma Guide – Artifacts, Weapons & Teams | Genshin Impact

A detailed guide for Thoma, regarding how to play & build him optimally.
Hope this helps!
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Shoutout to Zajef77 (friend and math guy):

Feel free to like & sub if you enjoyed, as i appreciate it a lot

Initial Info (0:00)
Abilities/Playstyle & How Good Is Thoma’s Shield? (0:21)
Artifacts Stats [How Much ER?] (5:40)
Artifact Sets (7:25)
Weapons (9:05)
Constellations (11:22)
Teams [When is Thoma Good?] (12:52)
Overall Info (16:47)



20 thoughts on “BEST THOMA BUILD! Complete Thoma Guide – Artifacts, Weapons & Teams | Genshin Impact”

    very small thing i noticed: i say "c3 and c5 will increase your damage", i meant to say they will increase your talent levels, obvious but wanted to specify.
    also: in hu tao xingqiu team, you can swirl both pyro and hydro if you also want to buff your xq (i covered this in some previous vids)
    -why Noblesse > 4 Emblem? Thoma's damage is so low that you'd MUCH rather buff your team with ATK%. EX in hu tao/xq/kazuha/thoma team, even just buffing your XINGQIU is way better than going emblem and buffing your Thoma (especially since you're going er/hp/hp, which is low dmg), since xingqiu does MUCH more damage than thoma. Same with other sets like 2 emblem 2 ToM being better than 4 emblem. It's viable but his scalings just don't justify running it over more supportive sets, especially since you have to run him on HP and ER to maximize his kit/shields.
    -why no ToM? e won't proc it's effect other than on the initial hit

  2. Although I got Hutao, is there any another good main DPS for Thoma? I don't like Hu Tao tbh, but I'm not sure who should he be with. Childe x Thoma is okay too aesthetically speaking, are there any other???

  3. Its still funny that ppl think sac spear wont exist just because it would make xiao getting free c1 and hutao getting 100% uptime on E. Sac spear wont exist because lore, it wont make any character broken, i dont see anyone use sac sword on ayaka? I dont see anyonr use sac bow on ganyu? I dont see anyone use sac greatsword on diluc? Its a support weapon, not a dps weapon,it wont break the game.

  4. Another thing that a lot of people seem to miss about Thoma is that he acts an a future-proof enabler for any auto attack dps to utilize Retracing Bolde due to being able to maintain full uptime on his shields epically with c1/2.

  5. I don't agree on why you should have so much ER on Thoma. You just need to have a party where you are using another Pyro character and elemental reactions, and then it's super easy to get enough particles to use burst asap as the cd ends.
    I'm currently using 2 piece ToM and 2 piece bolide, I have hp/hp/hp, black tassel as weapon, around 150% ER coming from substats, and I have his burst permanently up (I'm using him with Bennett). You just need to create a lot of elemental reactions and to have fast rotations

  6. Hey! Nice guide! I have a little problem tho, my team is Baal, Kasuha, Koujo Sara and Thoma and unfortunately, Sara already has the Nobless artifact set and since they don't stack, it would be dumb to give it to Thoma as well. I was wondering if you had any advice for another set to play him as a shielder in my team… right now I'm running the crimson witch as a temp. Thanks!

  7. Hehe, I prefer using BOTH Xiangling and Thoma with my Childe (+ Sayu).
    Xiangling's and Thoma's bursts both have the same cooldown so the rhythm between the two feels fantastic.
    Used to have Bennett in there, but it always left me with 10 seconds of awkward energy generation for Xiangling's burst whereas with Thoma it's always immediately ready to go off of cooldown.

  8. This game is purposely making new characters irrelevant to whales since they just run everything with Hu Tao, kazuha, xingqiu, Bennett, zhongli ,venti, etc. Just rerun the relevant characters goddamit

  9. Can I use thoma in my razor team? Arent they a perfect match because of the overload reaction?

    Im new at the game and I recently got thoma so I thought he would be fine with razor


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