I'm Skipping Eula Banner, But SHOULD YOU!? Genshin Impact

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Eula is a Cryo / Physical Claymore user in Genshin Impact. She is interesting, but I have a few reasons why I might skip her #eula #genshinimpact


24 thoughts on “I'm Skipping Eula Banner, But SHOULD YOU!? Genshin Impact”

  1. You need only 1 reason to skip Eula… next area will be Electro. So they will definitely buff Electro – otherwise who will spend on wishing for Electro Archon? Better save the resources for building Keqing, Razor and Lisa 😁.

  2. I'm gonna say it right now everyone is going to skip her and then they will regret it later because I bet mihoyo is going to buff something that makes her very strong just like they did with zhongli or just realize she's just really good especially after they see her in action after people build her

  3. I am skipping eula because i am broke primo gem wise, purple scroll, mora wise. Lmao! I better saving until mr scaramuche in inazuma appears or if not scaramuch the archon of inazuma

  4. Skipping Zhongli for Eula since I pulled him first time around. I usually grab new characters so I'm not stuck with having to pick between reruns and new releases. But more importantly just pull who you want, not who the community deems is a necessary or trash.

  5. I don't really want her because I already have a fully built Kaeya, Razor, and Keqing. I'm also thinking of building Xinyan so I don't really want another physical character. I'll try to get her but who knows…

  6. I saved up 24k primos as a f2p. She would be my very first 5-star besides the mc and i really like her, but i know my fucking luck. 90 pulls for the first 5-star, lose the 50/50 and then don't reach the next pity. I'm in total shambles if that happens man. I fear for the worst. I won't be able to reach 28.8k primos to make sure i get her unfortunately.

  7. He says her E and Q does Cryo damage… But so what? Her E helps increase her physical damage by reducing phy res. Her Q forms a lightfall sword that does physical damage.
    In short. Lightfall sword is her actuall Q.

  8. Pair her with Chongyun E with sacrifial sword and build her Cryo πŸ˜€ that could slap really hard. The only problem will be the arifacts… Perhaps 2pc cryo set + 2pc noblesse


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