Beginner Tips #1 For Genshin Impact

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29 thoughts on “Beginner Tips #1 For Genshin Impact”

  1. if you dont have kazoo you can go for sucrose which i got on the beginner banner(if you dont have either anemo traveller can be okay not the best compared to the two) also xiangling is very amazing too since shes given to you after you do floor 3 chamber 3 in spiral very f2p!

  2. i have a Mona Zhongli Yanfei team Zhongli get there last.
    I dont understand the hype about Bennet.

    Altough the best tip is: try out characters and use whichever is fit for your style

  3. Don’t really know if I can agree with only having one dps. Wouldn’t be beneficial for spiral abyss.. plus I would just get pretty bored only using the same dps. Resources respawn and resin regenerates… so it feels like a waste to not spend some time building other characters… it’s something to do besides comissions and story quests, building and getting new characters or dps keeps you busy 🙂 plus I love testing out different teams with different supports:D

  4. I already got the first one wrong
    I got Diluc when i just started the game
    Then got Hutao cuz i didn't know about "guaranteed" yet
    Then i went ahead and pulled for Itto
    Then now I got Ayato
    I have supports but all the resources went into my dps lol, i really need to build my supports

  5. One thing to note about crit ratio: 1:2 only works well for characters that deal damage quickly. If you have a DPS who does a lot of damage in one hit every few seconds, getting a higher crit chance will help a lot, as unless you are using Venti/Kazuha/Sucrose to group the enemies you are going to want to make sure that each of your big hits count, as if you don't kill your current target you will need to keep attacking them before moving to the next target.

  6. Don't just build characters that you like! If you're a beginner you will need supports for your dps. That will make the game more fun to play.
    If you're a beginner dont be like me, do some research on your dps so you can build a team around them

  7. I used to be a Sayu main from the day of her release, I did okay damage, it got me thru the content, but I was quickly getting worse as enemies got harder.
    Then I got Hu Tao. OH, MY, GOODNESS. She's meta for a reason-
    I used to have 4k my max damage, but when I got hu tao, that INSTANTLY jumped to 35k, and quickly got up to my current 250k.
    My advice is to find a "meta" chr you like to play, meta chrs usually do a ton of dmg and is overall better. Altough if you want, don't be afraid to use the chrs yoU like, I just happened to like hu tao who happened to be meta.
    (Also unrelated but I got really lucky with Hu Tao, getting her at guaranteed but only ONE wish beforehand(not one ten, ONE) and I also got her weapon first try, unfortunately didn't get so lucky with Venti tho-)


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