Before You Wish for Tartaglia (Childe) | Genshin Impact

If you are on the fence about whether or not to pull for Tartaglia (Childe), this video will go over some pros and cons of the character so you can make a more educated decision for yourself.

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Intro (0:00)
Disclaimer (0:17)
Discussion (1:00)
Constellations (2:23)
Pros (4:26)
Cons (5:35)
When should you pull? (7:15)
When should you NOT pull? (7:50)
Outro (8:19)

Writer: Ayzel
Thumbnail: xf3
Voice-over: Artesians
Editor: Zeitraffer

Music Used:
Song Artist: Feryquitous
Song Title: Central Nucleus
Feryquitous on SoundCloud:



25 thoughts on “Before You Wish for Tartaglia (Childe) | Genshin Impact”

  1. honestly, my main reason i pulled for childe was purely because of raiden. having her really opened a lot of (playstyle) window for him both with xiangling + bennet and her + beidou. after realizing this I realized how someone like childe who lets his support shine makes him a really flexible on-field DPS. can't wait for other future chars to pair with him~

  2. I need to know if this can be potentially good team bcs I just got Childe but I don't like Bennet: Childe(dps),kokomi (healer),Biedou(sup. dps), chongyun ( I am still not sure about him but I think he will be good as battery)

  3. Ok so I have Raiden and she uses the international team, right now I want to create another team that uses different units from the national team so I kinda want Childe. But I also want Hu Tao, anyone got recommendation on who I should summon?

  4. I got Tart by accident and I keep seeing these videos- not complaining tho 🙂 I adore the best toy salesman in Snezhnaya and im happy hes going to be accompanying me from now on 💪😋

  5. Funny thing. I just wanted a couple of Ningguangs. Just a couple. A c3 Ningg would have made me a happy man. Nope. I've had 2 Yanfeis, 3 chongguns, 1 Tartaglia…..for just 1 Ningguang.
    Why sometimes any good old 4 star fellow is more elusive than the the main star in the banners?
    It happened too with Sara kujou. I Maxed Xiangling and Succrose, just for 1 Sara Kujou.

    Still, i'm not going to complain.


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