Bedtime Story – DAINSLEIF IS BACK! Genshin Impact Archon Quest 4 Act 6

See you next year, Dainsleif o7



I love playing Genshin Impact, especially on stream, so feel free to come and watch the story unfold with us!


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32 thoughts on “Bedtime Story – DAINSLEIF IS BACK! Genshin Impact Archon Quest 4 Act 6”

  1. I thought Caribert's decision was a bit silly too, but, to be honest, I think that if Dain had given us the eye, our brother would have talked to us and convinced us to give it to him. At least the HIlichurl felt a little better and he got to see what it would be like to live

  2. I have a huge feeling that the heavenly principles will wake up when we get to snezhnaya storyline..bcoz all the gnosis will be collected and we dont know what the tsaritsa will do with it..i also think that snezhnaya storyline will be the best out of all the archon quests in my opinion

  3. I'm having mixed feelings with that quest … I enjoyed the story, seeing Dain again and the lore bombs (finally), Caribert's cool style. But some things just didn't feel right like the length of the story, the fact that we saw Dain for a short time, no battle scene with Dain / our sibling, us being ok with having our team memories tampered with, only to give the abyss whatever they wanted so easily and nostly us loosing the sweet reunion with our sibling… Who else felt that way ?

  4. This Archon Quest was First time where I feel that Lumine is Not thr Abyss Twin… 😂 I WAS SO GLAD THAT I PICK HER AS TRAVELER.. 😂❤ Aether is much better antagonist then Lumine in this Quest 😂

  5. Why do I feel like that photo and how it was taken is a major plot point? Or I'm just overthinking it
    Because I don't think Hoyo would just make something like this and just be like "Oh yeah, idk how that happened" until the game ends and it just remains as a plot hole

  6. My guess is that the pieces that the 6 exceptional individuals are holding are similar to the gnosis.
    While the gnosis are the parts of the 3rd descenrder, the the one the Sinners + Dain is holding onto is probably the piece of Nibelung (after it got defeated a 2nd time).
    And together they can recreate the Dragon of the Abyss.

    In fact, I would go as far as to say that Dainsleif's piece is in the shape of a ring based on what we learned in the Pari world quest in sumeru where He was seen clutching a ring, immediately after the Khaenriah disaster.

    If this is true then We have the Fatui that gathers the gnosis to build their 3rd descender lego set, while the Sinner gang wants Dain to handover his piece to finish their Nibelung lego set.

  7. An Archon quest with Dainsleif is always emotional. I missed this so much. I was impatient about this not gonna lie but I like this kind of approach tbh than they released it earlier so that it's still more fresh before Natlan comes. Probably 1 patch left before Natlan

  8. The picture at the end was most likely created with the completed Loom of Fate since it is implied to be able to affect the material world. Even Dain mentioned that the abyss order is not capable to affect the reall world """YET""" .

    Assuming this is true, I find it sweet that this world ending anti-celestia weapon was first used to materialize a photograph for a pair of lonely twins.

  9. I was a little disappointed by the quest. It was nice getting lore drops but it feels like a lot didn't really happen. I wish they would have shown the fight between Dain and abyss sibling at least. Instead we got nothing with that. They showed the whole "fight" in the special program, which is just the twin walking up to dain.

    And at the end of the quest, why didn't we go back to see Dain or anything? We know he fought the sibling, but we just.. don't get back to him and explain what happened in the village? The quest just ends out of nowhere.

    I was expecting a little more considering we waited 14 months for this quest.

  10. In case anyone is curious

    Farewell, Atossa
    I apologize
    to making you know me
    still I dont wish you to forget me

    They are obviously in love with each other.

  11. 51:13 I translated this part it says "Farewell, Atossa. I apologize for making you know me unwillingly. Still, I don't wish you to forget me."
    That's why in the end, Atossa says she feels like she remembers Caribert saying that to her.
    (Idk if anyone will even find this comment)

  12. Even though the loom of fate was just now completed, its probably had some effect on every aspect of the story up to now. It seems like it can alter the past (everything we have played up until now) paradox-free.

  13. I agree with Bran's take on Caribert being selfish but not for the same reason.

    First of all, Caribert doesn't have any means of "holding" the Loom of Fate, he said it himself, he's just a very miniscule part of it, he doesn't even understand nor could he see the scope of its capabilities. He only has one goal for it and for him to be able to do that is to ask our sibling to complete the Loom so he did what he did…he needs to act fast too because his "individuality" is dissipitating (well based on what I understood) that's why he did what he did, he is selfish in that regard, he's not selfish for handing over a device he didn't even know or comprehend the full power of.

    He's pure and single minded, he just wants to give the Hillichurls comfort, he is selfish and not at the same time. Also it's not as if he can actually give the Loom to Aether, he can't even touch it, he can't exist on the outside world where the Loom exist, so I think him giving Lumine the ability to do that is the selfish part, for him, his wish is more important because that's the only thing he can do now…he's already dead anyway.

  14. So what if Caribert helped complete the loom of fate and used it to achieve his selfless goal to ease the hilichurls suffering if for a moment. I believe he had every right since it was his life that was sacrificed so the loom of fate could come into existence. One way or another the loom of fate would have been completed anyways, regardless if he had a hand in it or not.


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