Baal Fight CUTSCENE | Thoma/Aether vs Baal | Genshin Impact

Traveler tried to save Thoma from the Raiden Shogun’s wrath.


49 thoughts on “Baal Fight CUTSCENE | Thoma/Aether vs Baal | Genshin Impact”

  1. Imagine if Toma couldn't save Aether on time. Lumine would find out, sooner or later, that her brother was killed by one of the Archons. Nation of Eternity would be then engulfed by the wrath of the Princess of the Abyss

  2. So she didn't do the Musou No Hitotachi right? I hope it's not the thing where she swung her spear and knock out MC after the boss fight because that would be so lame.

  3. Nobody can use E or Q except traveller
    Me who mains traveller: haha jokes on you
    Me realizing I cant have shields or other char heals: nevermind, just end me.

  4. prepared my inazuma team, (beidou, yanfei, ganyu and jean) and failed.

    Then used my usual team (Beidou, Xiangling, Ganyu and Barbara) and Barbara literally survived a lot of hits which is my last resort. God damn I need to grind even more power and hp.

  5. I didn't get a single one of these cut scenes- i was just thrown into the fight then was at the teahouse- no cut scene nothing explaining anything. Just thrown into a fight then thrown out- 😀

  6. gosh i'm sooo obsessed with her va. she did such a spectacular job at making baal appear detached, regal, and cruel all at the same time. beyond excited for her banner

  7. Traveller, during his first days on Inazuma: No, I will not help you, I need to find my sister

    Traveller now: Puts his entire journey of finding his sister at risk by interrupting and attacking the already hard-to-befriend god that he initially planned on talking to


  8. When i played this the cutscene after the fight didnt play, or i accidentally skipped it, then as ramsey i think was part way through another mission it locked up and i was just randomly standing outside the tea house, had to go finish that mission then thoma appeared again and i got the next cutscene where he tells you to find the rebels.


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