Ayato SNAPSHOTS! He IS AMAAAZING!! So Much Potential | First Impression | Genshin Impact

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26 thoughts on “Ayato SNAPSHOTS! He IS AMAAAZING!! So Much Potential | First Impression | Genshin Impact”

  1. For those of you who do not know what a Snapshot is:
    Take most stats on the stat page at the time you start your ability cast and whether buffs are added on or fall off the damage will remain the same for the ability duration.
    In other words it takes a "Snapshot" of your stats and locks them in place.

    It can be abused by using buffing characters with short durations first in order to boost a long ability at the highest point of stats for its entire duration.
    Example: Bennet buff -> Xiangling or Bennet buff -> Ayato Ultimate

  2. My DPS Build: 4 set Gladiator 65/220 crit rate/dmg lvl 10 auto and skill, lvl 8 ult so far. Team Combos: Bennet/Ayato/Yun Jin/Mona with thrilling tales book. The damage on auto attacks is 24 to 33k. Rotation is Bennet ult/Yun Jin skill and Ult, Mona Ult skill and Ult, Ayato Ult and then skill. Hope this helps someone.

    EDIT: DONT TAKE AUTOS AT LVL10 lvl 6-8 is fine. I didn’t know earlier 💀

  3. What i would like to know is what 4* weapon is bis for him. I had no intention of getting Ayato, but i had a good amount of wishes so i went fuck it, summoned for him and somehow got him… but i don't know how to build him lmao

  4. So I was on the edge about Ayato, until I did his trial. And let's just say my wallet is $100 lighter, but I now have an additional anime swordpull (Iado, I see what you did there) character .

  5. I was gonna skip, but i had to get some yunjin cons and won the 50/50 early so no regret xD He feels very good to play and is going to work well in different roles going forward.

    At this point i own every hydro character in the game lol. And im going for Yelan as well.

  6. lol when he does attacks in his skill it sounds like fucking sci fi laser blast.
    hmm, i'll want him on like a rerun or something but i'm thinking Kazuha may still be more value

  7. Maybe not the most omg damage character in the game. But he's really satisfying to play. And his really simple gameplay makes farming in this game easy, and require little thought.
    Which I think is important, if you don't want to burn yourself out. I love complex characters, but sometimes you just need a little brainless fun.


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