I will be breaking down everything you need to know about Ayaka’s kit, including stats, attacks, skills, passives, ultimate, animations, constellations, and gameplay.
All relevant leaked clips can be found in my discord:
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I stream Tuesdays, Fridays, Sundays 6pm GMT (2pm EST) on YouTube
Come goof around in Genshin with me, or ask me about builds and teams!
Best Ayaka Weapons / Bows video:
Ayaka Artifacts, Which One is the Best?
Ayaka is a Cryo sword character with amazing single target and AOE offensive capabilities, capable of matching and exceeding current top DPS characters in some situations, according to leaks and some calculations.
She will be capable of dishing out immense DPS with a relatively simple playstyle. She would work best in Freeze comps, with the potential to be played in a Melt comp.
Kamitsato Arts:
Her normal attacks are rapid and charge attacks hit hard. This will be further buffed by her dash and ascension passives, which will infuse her attacks with cryo and buff her attack damage. Her ult is an AOE cryo frontal assault, with one of the highest multipliers of any 5*character.
She is really strong at C0, and her fourth constellation is pretty good; the rest of her constellations provide her with more damage but are not necessary.
Eula Guide:
Kazuha is Stronger than Venti?
Yoimiya is Stronger than Ganyu?
Character stats:
“Makai Symphony – Orchestral” is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA 3.0).
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://youtu.be/YebeJmSHJJc
Song: “Naoya Sakamata – Sad Piano” is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0)
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://bit.ly/sad-piano-song
twitter: https://twitter.com/hoshings_tv
My editing style is inspired by Zy0x, enviosity, and Gacha Gamer
Btw the 10% cryo dmg bonus was buffed and made to 18% cryo dmg bonus
And also, at c0, only 1 souken gate will be there, c2 adding the 2 extra ones making the total amount 3. So, no 5 gates at c2. It's 1 at c0 and 3 at c2
Ayaka come home!!! PLEASE!
I just hope I win the 50/50!!
I wish anyone who wish for ayaka i wish u a very very lucky pull
Ayaka come home!
Ayaka come home! it’s been too long of a wait to not come now!
Ayaka come home!
Ayaka come HOME!!!!
6:11 Keqing mains that wanna spam CA listen!
lol I used cryo 4p Blizzard KQ with chong so I can focus on crit dmg (which kq already has a lot of) and freeze them, maybe cryo resonance and then you crit all day with your CA without knocking enemies away
every time I hear Ayaka's name said in last name/first name order, my soul dies more and more. It sounds so unnatural to me.
ayaka come homeeee
I have pity stacked up to 75, a stash of primos and a guarantee for her.
Edit: I got her!
Ayaka come home!!
Ayaka come home plz
guaranteed ayaka becuz of diluc, hopefully she comes home before hard pity :")
Ayala come home 😭
Ayaka come home
That burst does ludicrous damage TBH. Maybe bestvult in the game honestly
the funny part is where i don't know if i regret getting kazuha or not just because saori hayami is one of my favourite vas and yukino is my favourite character lol.. mihoyo really got me there but i guess i won't get her now that i'm on 50/50, 25 pity and 100 primogems
How would you play her with Kazuha?
Gather with Kazuha
Ult Ayaka
Ult kazuha
Dps with Ayaka?
Or something else?
I got her and Mona today. I guess she will be my main? I'm not even far on the game.
ayaka come home 🥺🥺
she sucks 6:49 this was all i needed
I feel like she will be a powercreep bc of the lack of downtime
didn't expect this, but ayaka came home at 50/50
So, what do you think..
Is she better than ganyu?
This is easily the best video I found over ayaka except her waifu compelation
What is with this false, misleading and click bait title smh
Ayaka came home this morning. I am a happy man. What else there is to say.
Hey, nice opening! Ayaka just dropped by today, and now it's time to lurk on YT to find more Ayaka guide videos
I can happily say she was worth my paycheck
qiqi dont come home
Got her !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is OP!
Bro bro, u know actually use venti ult, infuse It whit hydro and use Ayaka ult its preaty broken. They Will be in perma frost and they Will take a lot of dmg… Really a lot of dmg
Lol I’m just going through PAIN grinding artifacts and ascend mats for her
6:13 This just made me want to get an ganyu freeze team lol
Ayaka come home :')
Ayaka come homeeee
Ayaka come home…i said it she better come home
She is not stronger than Kazuha. Pass
Her dash is kinda annoying because every crack i ran into she gets stuck on i hope that gets fix
I really want to c2 ayaka but im gonna go broke
Eh, I'm happy for anyone that rolled on her and likes her, but I'd rather just wait another three months for another character that will be the next "LOL BROKEN #1 DPS" and get a guaranteed constellation without spending $200. All of the content is too easy right now and the incremental DPS of character releases has been kinda meaningless. Granted if you just like the character's aesthetic, good for ya! Roll away!