With the ever-expanding roster of playable characters in the game, speculations about a third character banner phase have persisted. Kazuha and Klee were last featured on their respective banners around 11 months ago in version 2.8, and it is almost confirmed that Eula will finally have her rerun after a gap of over 550 days in version 3.8. In fact, Eula’s previous rerun occurred way back in December 2021 during version 2.3. Although the rumors of triple banners in versions 3.6 or 3.7 have been debunked, Team China has hinted at the possibility of triple banners in Fontaine version 4.0, with implementation potentially happening before patch 4.3. Considering the current pool of almost 70 playable characters in the game, and the anticipated introduction of more characters in future Fontaine versions, Hoyoverse might introduce an additional phase to each version, reducing the duration of each phase to 2 weeks. Alternatively, they could maintain the existing two-phase structure but include three 5-star characters instead of two in each phase. While there hasn’t been any official confirmation from Hoyoverse, the prospect of triple banners holds significant potential. What’s your take on triple banners? Share your thoughts in the comments. Thank you.

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27 thoughts on “ATTENTION!! TRIPLE BANNERS ARE HERE – Genshin Impact”

  1. I feel like it’d be better if there were theree phases so that theres more characters on the table and more frequent reruns plus u have a higher chance of getting characters u want and we get to know what chars are prone to reruns early and helping players decide if they wanna skip or not and give them more time to save

  2. for fuck sake man make some of the oldste char the fillers and keep the 2 banner and just have the normal banner be its own thing and giver us more of the normal wishse

  3. i dont think triple banners can happen mainly because of the weapon banner like the three weapons i feel it might be a bit much and players will be upset since it would now be a 25%/25%/25%/25% for each weapon and they might have to up the pity mechanic to making you have to lose 3 times for a guarantied weapon of choice

  4. Triple banners are just another bandaid that doesn't fix the problem. Back when double banners were introduced that was good for the time, but as the roster keeps growing more and more they need to figure out a permanent solution, rather than just complicating things more.

  5. A suitable solution to the problems regarding the banners would be to implement a kind of "old characters only" banner (Like, from 1.1 to 2.5 maybe).

    Doing so would free up some space for our regular double banners (Since characters like Venti, Zhongli or Childe would be on a different type of event banner) while providing new players with more chances for pulling early chapters' characters (Venti, Klee, Ganyu, etc).

  6. Man what triple we need quadruple banners. Are you kidding me hoyo? People are
    not gonna wait anymore for their favourite units might as well go play something else. As a former whale I find it absolutely unjustified to spend any more
    money in this game for the little they have given us. No extensive QoL update since beginning of the game this is ridiculous.

  7. 3 banner is a solution for the characters but not the weapons. Maybe just adding more characters into the permanent banner would be a better choice for now. The curent system has quite a few problems that should be fixed by changing the system itself. Maybe even give more characters for free could work. If they want to keep making more characters they will have to make serious changes to a lot of stuff in their game.

  8. There are positives and negatives to triple banners. The negatives are that we want have as much time to get the characters we want with the limited primogems that f2p players are getting, and we will have to be a bit more careful for who we want to pull for, but with the growing number of playable characters, we may have to wait so much longer for reruns if the current system stays. I mean, Eula wasn't reran for like a year, how much longer will that be in future versions where the roster is even larger? I just hope mihoyo gives us more freemogems to accommodate with more banners.


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