Asmongold reacts to Genshin Impact Teaser | Fatui Harbinger reveal Trailer

Asmongold reacts to Genshin new chapter teaser trailer. Reacts to Fatui Harbinger reveal.


42 thoughts on “Asmongold reacts to Genshin Impact Teaser | Fatui Harbinger reveal Trailer”

  1. Bruh, don't let your toxic as all fuck chat ruin your mentality for the game.

    Western games are going to shit and the chat is proof that they kind of deserve it. What a toxic cesspool of people yikes

  2. I played genshin from release non stop for about 400 days. It was when I started college. I was completely f2p for 6 months and was able to beat the game (36 star abyss). After that I bought the battle pass for a few months since I felt invested in the game. After about 400 days, however I lost the drive to log in everyday and do my dailies. I love the game from the bottom of my heart even though I stopped playing. The reason I stopped playing was because I ran out of content. After so many hours in that world, I had seen all, done all and beaten all. I felt fulfilled enough to stop playing.

    I'm typing this is to encourage people to at least give the game a try and play the game. It's not just generic booba gacha garbage. The story, the music, the world, its all breathtaking. You can beat the whole game completely f2p as long as you don't waste your resources. Now with the new update coming soon I'm thinking of returning to the game myself. I'm writing my final exams tomorrow so I'm going to have time to grind genshin.

  3. I think Asmongold's preconceptions about Genshin are completely unfounded
    Yes, the gameplay isn't that deep and it has jiggle physics but gacha games are known for having genuinely good and touching storylines
    They are, after all, character collection games and in order for you to grow fond of those characters there needs to be a good story around them

  4. Tbh, the lore, music, and worldbuilding of genshin is great.

    …it's just overshadowed by a trash main storyline, toxic fanbase (not just twitter either. That Discord was a trainwreck when I was in there), constant beef with other fanbases, and the horrendous amount of vocal coomers turning people off.

  5. And to yt comments, twitch chat isn’t representative of all. So even if they’re malding in chat it doesn’t mean anything lol. Give them time they’ll understand

  6. This teaser is about "Signora" who died in Inazuma and most of us players could not believe Mihoyo did that!
    Okay, she was a nasty character but we loved her even when she beat Venti to the ground and took his "gnostic"😛. <— spelling must be wrong tho!
    You should play the game your opinion would greatly change! 😇

  7. It surprises me how many people get captivated by this games story, I genuinely tried to get into Genshin and I still have it downloaded because I do love the games graphics and style. But I'm sorry this game lost my interest within the first couple of hours of game play, it is not new player friendly because the later you join games like these the more characters they introduce and your now missing. The story failed to grasp me in to the point where I wanted to play just to advance the story it was so slow to start I literally got bored of the quest and juat explored the first region witch also failed to grasp me in a way where I wanted to waste hours exploring the world. The movement is so slow to get around it felt 75% of the time was used traveling to the destination witch for me personally is boring and kills the whole game for me. I also tried tower of fantasy and even if it's a Genshin ripoff I feel it does a better job of captivating me personally. The story in ToF is forgettable at best I suppose but the exploration felt way more rewarding in ToF over Genshin and since ToF has mounts and the ability to jump dash it felt like traveling wasn't as boring or took half as long as genshin. Combat genshin is too slow and simplistic to me, now I understand the elements have different effects when you combo and swirld ect. But it really simple dodge combo stuff that just isn't fun to me personally. I felt ToF did combat way better in the sense it's more satisfying dodging the right moment with slow down time and the fact you can fight while in air is awesome aswell. And ToF really feels like you awarded for your exploration giving you tons of currency for rolls where genshin gives you 5 gems or whatever ToF will give you 20-50 per chest. And only needing 150for a rolls means alot less chests to open for a roll. I Know genshin has and will always have its die heart fans but personally I prefer ToF over Genshin and this is coming from someone completely unbiased towards both and having not fsvor for one over the other purely cause of characters or whatever. I went into both games completely open minded and willing to sink my time into them even expecting to sink months into genshin only to feel after 4 hours like it was boring and pointless and no matter how much time I put in I would never have the toons that others have or ones I even would want to try. Felt so unsatisfying to even explore innthe game witch was really dissapointing because the art and style of the game is beautiful so I wanted to explore but the fact you walk and run everywhere and it's sosow to start honestly completely made the game unfun. So to me personally Genshin is over hyped because you have those fans that where there from day 1 so of course they swear up and down by rhe game but truth is as time goes on other games will do what Genshin does but better because there are systems in Genshin that are juat not fun and can be reworked so other devs will pick up on this and make a game that makes those systems better. All in all it might be worth it to YOu to try that's all we can do is try it and I tried it and honestly the story isn't enough to keep me in the game and is gamely is so slow that it's down right boring and I've noticed MANY other new comers to this game complain of the very same thing and I've seen and heard of tons of people quitting before even leaving the first zone just because it's so slow and boring. To me Tower of Fantasy is just better all in all in sense of combat, exploration rewards and pacing of the game and movement period no one likes running to a spot for hour so I thin keveeyone will be different but idk I feel this game is over hyped its too slow and boring and tower of fantasy I think saw this and made something better and faster paced maybe even better for casual play that's just my opinion. But don't get it twisted ToF's story isn't good either both games story failed to get me. But to any new players to genshin be prepared for very very slow progress and story and they need to lower the barrier to entry for genshin. IDK I'm sorry if I have offended anyone with my opinion but it's just how I feel genshin is slow and boring and the story lost my interest within an hour of the game and exploration is so unsatisfying you find no currency for rolls. Idk I tried and I WANTED to love genshin and sink money and time into it but it's failed. It's very dissapointinng to me because I wanted to get into genshin and all it's characters but it just isn't fun to me Tower of fansty wins in my opinion.

  8. Literally the difference in depiction of Genshin

    Gacha shit, Using underage characters or some shit, controversal shit

    Good story, good gameplay, wide open world, phenomenal OST , gacha shit, using underage characters

  9. The actual lore is huge there. It's just blocked behind the updates, and timed events, so it's particularly hard to grasp the whole story. I recommend just to watch some vid on YouTube like "whole lore of GI" or smith like that. The world story starts from some strange prehistoric times and gradually gets to like 500 years before the events in game, after that, you shouldn't watch cuz that would be spoilers 😁

  10. Foolish chronically online trolls made you believe that Genshin was another pervy anime game when in reality it's a fairy decent open world anime game with good game mechanics and a story😏

  11. a story? ehhh I wouldn't go that far, but it certainly has a plot and a lot of lore lol, there are fun stories contained within the side quests, character quests and events like the recent one, they're better than 99% of mmos out there tbh, and it's all free, can't complain.

  12. Say what you want but Genshin has some of the best music, art design and combat system compared to most games today. And that’s a fact. My gripe with it is the weak storytelling, though with the latest update I will say they’ve even improved on that. Not like I blame people for blindly hating on Genshin, the fanbase is total cringe. But the game itself is good.

  13. I think Genshin Impact gets a bad wrap because there are people out there that will spend thousands of dollars on the game to try and draw the most powerful characters and get the best weapons…but the dumb thing is, you don’t need to draw those five stars to have some really powerful characters. For example, I have 14 5-star characters, but I only use about 2/3 of them and use 4-stars like Bennett, Fischl, Xiangling and Sucrose more than the likes of Keqing, Qiqi, Shenhe and shoot, even the Kamisato siblings (even though they are both super cracked).

    I think sometimes there are people that believe they need to spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on the game to build some really strong teams and that couldn’t be farther from the truth. In-fact, you can be a F2P and create some really strong teams.

    As far as story and lore is concerned, I actually do think Genshin has a pretty interesting story. Shoot, there are some pretty heart wrenching side stories in Genshin Impact. Ei (Raiden Shogun), Shenhe, Xiao…and shoot, even Tighnari’s recent quest really got to me.

    I feel like the people that rag on Genshin Impact do so because of the memes regarding whales and don’t realize that outside of those whales legit having a gambling problem, Genshin is an outstanding game that I can honestly say been having fun playing for the last 1 1/2 years…and I wouldn’t consider myself a whale either…I think I’ve maybe spent at most $200 on the game…and even then, half of that was Apple credit that I was given as a birthday present, so half of that wasn’t even my own money…and to be frank, I’m spending even less now than when I first started playing because I feel so good about my team that I don’t feel it necessary to try and draw for every new character.

  14. The story is Awsome… Brutal, dark and with a lot of fun

    We have a drunken anemo archon we saved
    We have a dead geo archon but still alive without mora
    We have a electric queen archon who left the world
    We have a little Dendro archon, to young to rule

    3 left, can't wait 😎✌️

  15. I'd like to mention something that i didnt know before is that the Fatui Harbingers names aren't just coincidence to have the names they have.
    Actually their names are based on the italian opera "Commedia dell’arte" each which each represent their opera counterpart and even similar traits and personality and even their clothings you see in this trailer are referencing them. Like Dottore with his mask having a big beak and being very smart. Pierrot having a half mask as being the "the clown" that in the opera is easily fooled, Columbina being the little dove having the feathers in her hair and being small with a small mask on her face.
    Even the title "Winter night's lazzo" in which lazzo is contained which means "a joke" about people talking to the audience discussing matters.
    This is for me just insane eye for details and soo good to bring older culture nearer to us in a modern way. That is the quality and love Hoyo puts in their game which is why i love it so much.
    Heck they even introduced us in the game with chinese Opera with the performance of Yun Jin after the Shenhe Questline and i felt it so hard so i wanted to have the character singing is… but i had no luck with getting herxD

  16. Realistically Genshin is 8/10 game rivaling top games such as minecraft, gta and etc.

    The amount of research, linguistic etymology, music theory, and real life religion and mythology parallels is unmatched amongst all of videogames. What brings it down is definitely character leveling system.

  17. I like his little pause of "this… looks cool" because a lot of assumptions can be made about a game until you know a bit more about it and ngl I'm excited to see him try it out

  18. People love to hate genshin cuz of its extremely vocal and toxic fan base. They've got assumptions about the game without even knowing anything about it as expected.

    The game is good for casual players, good lore and world, characters are fun and likeable.


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