Arlecchino: The Black Swan Theory | Genshin Impact Lore

Arlecchino’s lore has some potentially amazing events that I think link back to ancient Remuria and explains a lot about her. Let me know what you think!

00:0000:15 Intro
00:1501:23 The Melody of Vesta
01:2302:32 Vesta – Goddess of the Hearth
02:3203:37 Arlecchino’s Parallels to Vesta
03:3704:27 The Hand of Glory
04:2706:12 Arlecchino the Harmost
06:1207:20 Soul Transference
07:2008:48 The Power of Suggestion
08:4811:09 The Black Swan
11:0912:11 The Girl and the Garden
12:1114:52 The Witch and the Purple Flowers
14:5215:42 Conclusion

#genshinlore #arlecchino #fontaine #hoyocreators


38 thoughts on “Arlecchino: The Black Swan Theory | Genshin Impact Lore”

  1. Finding the white and black swans in-game makes me think I might be on to something as we've had quite a few examples of in-game animals representing characters for a while now with Neuvillette probably being the most obvious I can think of.

  2. First video i watched of you and it was really good, keep up the good work i really appreciate it. Genshin lore community is really strong, so many awesome theorists emerging and making connections nobody else made (that i know of).

    I haven't looked that deep into the swan theme yet but whenever i see the swans of Fontaine i remember the line from the excerpt found in the Institute of Natural Philosophy which goes as follows:
    "The lizard's bones dissolved into mud, from which swans emerged."

    This is the same text mentioning Egeria by name for the first time and attributing her to the creation of the oceanids according to legend. Even though it seems like a legend it appears to me the author almost screams at the scientist that defend their theory of evolution by saying:
    "Do you dare to explore our own origins? The gods unleash thunder in anger, and goddesses cry oceans in sorrow — these things are real."

    We know these things are real the recent poetry event further supports that. On a different note funny that it mentions "thunder in anger" because we fought a creature looking like an oceanid that is literally the anger of the Thunderbird manifested.

    Also "Schwanenritter" (swan knights)

    As per usual i leave my humble opinions and thoughts here even though this time it was less like two cents and more like throwing everything i have. Again thank you very much for the great video.

  3. the only thing that confuses me is that it sounds like arlecchino only recently became the knave as it happened when lyney and lynette were children. and if I remember correctly she was also a child of the house of the hearth? so the timeline confuses me a bit. Do we have any information on how old the house of the hearth is?

  4. I just realized something. If Rene and the others were medling with unknown powers, that might be the reason the Primordial Sea is dissolving people now. That could be the "sin" the people of Fontaine are born with now. It would basically be another case of humans bringing about the disaster they were trying to stop, because that was the way the disaster was going to come in the first place.

  5. Honestly, going from "this Zandik guy is definitely Dottore" in Sumeru to "Is René Arlecchino? or is she the result of whatever René created?" in Fontaine is definitely a breath of fresh air, but it got me a bit stuck as to what she really is. Thanks for connecting the dots of what could be the inspiration behind Arlecchino!

    Speaking of black swan event….
    > circular-ish city design
    > many "magic circles" scattered around Fontaine
    Let's hope René didn't plan to do something involving a nationwide-scale transmutation circle and the absorption of entire fontainians' soul to "save fontaine"…

  6. I like this theory, just like I like the connotations that she is the Knave of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland, given the many allusions to the tale in Narzissenkreutz Institute's quests, including a Caterpillar(where is his hookah?). It will be really cool if she's Vesta, given I've never seen this type of interpretation of the Roman Goddess, usually depicted as this virginal woman whom takes care of the House and not much else outside her domain as goddess, like a lady's maid.

    Also, if Remuria's theme is about music, and Arlecchino as a Harmost has swan themes, could her be some sort of Trumpeteer?

  7. It's already been confirmed through Freminet that Arlecchino doesn't harshly punish the children of the house of hearth.

    The most we have heard about her punishments is that she scolds and snaps at them. (Freminet mentions the previous Knave gave them extremely harsh and brutal punishments but all that stop when Arlecchino took over)

    Lyney reaction during the archon quest stems more from a trauma response because of what happened to Lynette. (Give cause him to try to take everything on his own shoulders even to extent of not looking for help even from Arlecchino)

  8. Why are we assuming the Hand of Glory belongs to Arlecchino and not the twin masks? Genuine question.

    The Hand Of Glory more fits Diluc father’s delusion abilities. With his chains able to render a dragon plaguing the land for thousands of years, powerless. His delusion was unique and also only worn on the left hand just as the Hand Of Glory was.

    Everything else is in this video is so well done as usual. You’re still my absolute favorite lore channel. Thank you so much for the video!

  9. Finally someone talks about how Arlecchino is more like Raven if we had to represent her with a Honkai character! So many say Fu Hua because of her color palate being Senti's original color palate, but Arlecchino literally owns an orphanage!
    Good theory though, makes a lot of sense

  10. The story about the giant and the garden is pretty obviously about the grandfather of the child Cater is helping and the child's mother. That's beyond dispute, right? He is tall, he had a garden with purple flowers that he defends aggressively and Cater clearly knew the mother who is the child in the story, her father being the giant. Are you saying there's a dual meaning an the entire story means something else as well?

    But has this approach to lore ever worked out? Finding comparable stories in Greek or Roman mythology, or perhaps from more obscure sources I mean? Does that stuff ever lead to predictions that pan out? For example has there ever been a prediction based on the real world lore of the Comedia that predicted stuff about any of the harbingers? And you're not even using Comedia lore here.

    It's fine to suggest Arlecchino could be a golem – I've said so myself – but on the basis of in-game lore not real world lore. We can guess from her ranking that Arlecchino is over about 500 years old and from her blackened skin is some sort of NeoHuman. So Remuria is an option (golem) and the other is she came out of the Ordo. Of those two the timing of the Narzissenkreuz Ordo seems a bit tight since it feels shortly after the Cataclysm and Arlecchino must join the Fatui before Scaramouche does and he sleeps and then wanders around Inazuma a while, before joining. So on balance the golem hypothesis seems favoured although there's no reason for Arlecchino to be a harmost. But the Ordo route allows for an orphanage connection which might make sense.

  11. So you mean Alice is the villain of the story and basically created Arlecchino. Was this before or after she created the Hexenzirkel. In other words did Alice predict the future and made Arlecchino into what she is for the purpose of saving Fontaine. Other questions arise was Alice captured or playacting in that case, I just have a hard time seeing Alice captured ever, she seems frighteningly strong to the point were it becomes a problem for Theyvat. If we find out the truth behind who she is and confronts her she may very well be given a choice similar to Scaramouche. If Arlecchino's only reason for joining the Fatui is to save Fontaine from a fate that she takes responsibility for personally. The black and White swan's may represent the two paths Arlecchino can take. However Arlecchino is going to want information in exchange for cooperation she already hints that, similar to how Dottore bargained with Buer, Nahida. Only this time I think she is going to bargain with us, for the identity of Alice since she basically seem to have ruined her life or what she was meant to become. The Fatui think's they are making fancy chess moves, and do not realise they were put there as pieces themselves in a much larger game by much more powerful people. They believe they became Fatui by their own free will, this fits the name "Fatui"

  12. This is a really cool lore theory. It would be neat if we see some of it in game. I'm struggling to recall a side quest story that had major connections with the main story quest story or characters. If I'm recalling correctly so far some of the side quest stories like the Aranara side quest add a bit of related lore to a MSQ character like Nahida, but are ultimately unrelated stories. This is probably because Hoyo doesn't want side quests to be necessary in order to understand the main story. Character stories are a different matter however, as those often have more centrally important lore reveals that are important to the main story.

  13. I've just found your channel and this vid was sooooooooo good. Definitely onto something. But aren't purple flowers more associated with the Goddess of Flowers from Sumeru's desert? She did have padisarahs and those giant magenta-ish flowers in her oasis.

    edit: Also the black swan event is usually something that feels catastrophic and unpredictable at first blush but looking back you know it WAS going to happen. I'm curious what Arlecchino could do to fit this definition…


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