Can We 36-Star With The Worst Characters? (Genshin Impact)

Today in Genshin Impact we’re taking on one of the hardest challenges I’ve done yet. Use ONLY characters with under 5% pick rate, and still 9-star Floor 12.
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0:00 Intro
1:22 F9-10 (Let’s warm up and try the teams)
2:06 DPS Stats/Builds (everyone else is pretty standard)
3:19 F11 (Getting a little harder)
5:19 F12…
20:49 mental breakdown
21:18 Let’s keep trying


40 thoughts on “Can We 36-Star With The Worst Characters? (Genshin Impact)”

  1. Yeah, damage not enough accelerate to play OG and ITTO Play like holding back discomfort frustrated players health character challenges discourage style design. ITTO too demand burst instead double scaling not reliant skill and burst like Neuvillette. KEQING like hit push back instead stay one place playstyle. Lisa can't play too conform front role not health character problem. Collei free Dendro non Dendro quality 4 star, Yunjin can't have skill reset passive POLEARN avoid anxiety lore problem, Mika not enough bringing value players healthy.

  2. Wow itto SUCKS. Imagine whaling on a character and them still being so much worse than C1 R1 neuvillette with no supports

    You should've used Yao yao, collie thoma and Barbara to make a burgeon team for first half

    Also I don't understand why you wouldn't use sucrose with keqing . Second half literally does no damage to you


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