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#Genshinimpact #Genshin
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#Genshinimpact #Genshin
What are you most excited for this next update? i'm hyped for father (i love women) https://www.twitch.tv/duktv
Father is coming and so am I! ❤🤔
240 fates for now, question, should i get cons or weapon im very skeptical about weapon thanks to its non transferable hard pity
knowing hoyoverse, despite how cool the knave boss is, watch as i delete her in a single cycle on my C0 raiden chevreuse team
even the whale weekly boss dies on a single cycle w/o doing the 2d phase, i just wish they add boss that can actually survive a well built F2P account, i feel sorry for whales who cant use their fancy characters to the fullest (and no local legends doesnt count they are just damage sponge with barely no mechanic and quite easy to dodge w/o Iframes)
If kaveh does show up it'll probably be in the second half
Think they will ever do Dehya 2 or Candace meet up?
No cuz obv reasons
I have an idea for a boss. Fight where like traveler gets pushed too far and they go from good guy to evil. And they give in to their rage and they fall into the corruption of the abyss.
Me: She's just like Hu Tao
Arlachino: but better
Please, I hope Hoyo won't whitewash Arleccino. She's a child abuser who turns orphans into Tsarica's soldiers – I want to see her turned to dust just like Seniora <3
Shes basically an aoe hu tao
Funny thing, i lost my 50/50 while pulling for neuvillate, i am still trying, probably would be able to get 49 pulls, which isnt enough, but..but
If i dont get him i am getting arle
Either way Father (either Hydro Daddy or Pyro Father) is coming home
Cant wait for the knave boss to be as difficult as other bosses ✨
First I'll kill my parents to become an orphan, then I'll join the house of the hearth. Then I'll be a bad boy so that father will spank me hard.
Its so f*cking funny that all the reactors that i watched on this special program always question why itto is here lol … 😂😂😂
high pity guarantee with 10 fates prepared
"father" is coming home
No wedding ring. So I guess his wife dropped him. Granted I was surprised a chick that hot married a dude with pink hair but alas maybe Duk is packin.
If you haven’t unlocked the boss, you just enter the menu. If you have unlocked the boss, you get teleported in front of the domain.
I'm happy your main dps is getting second story quest
I can't believe they're giving us Cyno lore, I'm so hype
MY GUY YOUVE NEVER PLAYED WINDTRACE??? (I have no idea but just judging from your reaction) YOULL ADORE IT. FAN FAVOURITE EVENT FOR A REASON!!
Im at 73 pity 🙏🙏🙏 pls no qiqi (saved for her i won 50/50 it will be another 50/50😖🙏)
I have 300 wishes i kept for Alhaitham but I think i will pull for Arlechino first 😂
I never thought we would be fighting a dark souls boss in a ff game like genshin (we're cooked chat)
I am most excited for Cyno's story quest since I love Sumeru the most among the nations. I am also very excited for Arlechino's boss fight. Something about her kit reminds me of Sister Friede from Dark Souls 3, except instead of dealing Frostbite she deals Bond of Life, and instead of someone else dealing fire damage, she is doing that herself. Also, no Gael summon to save me this time. However, will this be a three phase fight? I'll need to find out when 4.6 gets officially released in less than two weeks.
Think of 4.5 as "the calm before the storm". It was… ok… the events were rewarding at least, but aside from that it was… a tad lacking… 4.6 on the other hand, holy… we went from a light drizzle to a massive flood, this looked amazing!
Because of my loyalty to Sumeru I will do Cyno's story quest then Arlechino's.
I already have Baizhu and it sounds like he will help greatly against Arlechino since he is a healer. Just to be on the safe side I should also include Kokomi in the fight I think.
17:51 she dodged every single fking arrow
I slept through the special program, sadge
From what i have seen
Arlecchino is very very very similar to hutao … The Main source of her damage is her skill and charge attack and she heals herself with her burst, no need for a healer and pyro polearm user 🧐 … Yeah hotao with extra steps and some extra mechanics like floating…. Yeah I smell a hutao power creep …
Just like when alhaithem coped keqing … But now it's worse cuz both hutao and arlecchino are pyro polearms …..
And her scythe is only for her sig weapon …
Yeah im pretty disappointed tbh
Will grab Father on her rerun. Just want 1 Lyney then opening the wallet for Chlorinde and Sigewinne
Arlecchino is so beautiful and insanely powerful, imagine how powerful the other harbingers are
some think the reason y baizhu is here, this is to foreshadow that he is pantalone, hahaha since all of the 4 character are fatuis hahahah'