Arlecchino Infinite Stamina Glitch | Genshin Impact

#genshinimpact #hoyocreators #genshinguide


31 thoughts on “Arlecchino Infinite Stamina Glitch | Genshin Impact”

  1. Kiko,
    I know that you like arlechino
    But you also love yoimiya,
    I know you want to be civil about this,
    So let me show you this,
    A poem so you triple crown yoimiya.
    Yoimiya is your favourite pyro character,
    So why not triple crown her?
    Her burst isn't useless,
    You can play her as a support so rn I am clueless.
    Why don't you at least level it to nine?
    I'll do anything, buy you wine,
    I triple crowned C6 rosaria for you,
    Playing her physical DPS for you,
    Doing everything for you.
    Is your favourite pyro yoimiya?
    Or is it arlecchino now?
    Anyway yoimiya was your first one,
    So she deserve that 3rd crown!
    We're soon in summer,
    So triple crown her,
    The queen of fireworks the queen of summer!

    This is not gonna be very civil soon if u don't triple crown her soon btw πŸ™‚

  2. People genuinely call everything a bug because they are too lazy to read. The flying is called "High-Speed Movement" and is not part of the charge attack, therefore the artifact set does not apply. Just read the talent, the highspeed mode is triggered by a charge attack and hold, but since its duration lasts for more than one second, the artifact set still applies, you just skip that short second animation with the High-Speed Movement, as soon as the charged attack animation would end, the stamina count starts dropping, as it states in the talent (40 stamina a second)


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