Genshin Impact news here. Arlecchino weekly boss can turn into spider.
β™« Music : HOYO-MiX – Polumnia Omnia

#genshinimpact #arlecchino #weeklyboss


30 thoughts on “ARLECCHINO BOSS CAN TURN INTO A SPIDER | Genshin Impact”

  1. Reminds me of that hilichurl in one of the fontaine quests. He was in a human form but his hands (and legs I think) were black like it was shown in this video. Though I highly doubt she’s a hilichurl.

  2. U know what will be the funniest thing ever? Hoyo will delay drip marketing of Arlecchino for any unknown reason to next Monday…. Like they did the beta…. That way, we still won't have official access to anything confirm about Arlecchino

    Thus, most people ( especially those who don't look for leaks like us ) will not know who comes next and spend their primos for Chiori and Itto…

  3. If she is some sort of consecrated spider beast that went trough illumination that would be a hecking incredible concept for her backstory. But I feel like its going to be something much simpler.

  4. that is IF she'll be a boss to begin with.

    arlechino is the friendliest harbinger we met with tartaglia just behind her. plus not every fatui char will be fought. freminet, lynette and lyney weren't ever fought.

    the only thing arlechino did was starting an attack against furina which she retracted after seeing she didn't have the gnosis. she's an harbinger, her goal was to get the hydro gnosis. her goal isn't to stop us. in fact she's not the only harbinger to not wanna stop us. in one of fontaine's side quest, sandrone "helped" us behind the scene while sending us a message saying she don't wanna be our ennemy. we're friend with tartaglia. if wanderer do have a friend accross all of teyvat, the traveler is pretty much the closest to be. the knave consider us as much more a potential ally then an ennemy. we saved the 3 kids, then helped them once more as they were investigating tartaglia's disapearence. then, we saved hers and the trio's native nation. not only that, but with the gnosis given willingly to her, if we would take it back, WE would be thief in this situation. the hydro gnosis is technicaly a diplomatic gift, from fontaine to sneznaya. stealing this, we'd no doubt have to return to forteress of meropide.

    meanwhile, apart from signora and dottore which are eather dead or hated by us, we have no grudge over any harbinger. in nathlan, i could see us fighting capitano, but killing him? a bit too soon. capitano is the strongest of the harbinger and the top 3 are god tier. if we kill him in nathlan, who else is supposed to put up a fight as a challenge, in sneznaya? there would be possibilities, but if any chapter of this story follows the one of sneznaya, again, who's gonna be a challenge?

    i don't see us fighting the knave. just because she's a harbinger doesn't mean we have to fight her. if not for tartaglia trying to take the geo gnosis, we wouldn't have fought him. the knave isn't doing anything illegal. thus, we have no reason to fight her. a fight being great is one thing. having a reason to fight is another. fighting the knave just because she's a harbinger isn't reason enough. otherwise, we would have done it since 4.1. story wise, we'd need a reason. the only reason i can think of is to slow us down/weaken us to help capitano back in nathlan. still, if she have such a goal, a "thank you party would be better. such a party could slow us down and if she really want to weaken us, it would give her a poison opportunity. such a way to weaken us also seem to better suit her cunning personality. she surely also did her research. surviving a fight with the raiden shogun, kikcing tartaglia's ass, killing signora and now, the all-eating narwal. even if she don't know for wanderer, she surely know we'd be too much for her. also, doing this in fontaine? what if neuvillette show up and show her how strong he became since tartaglia's visit at the opera epicles? even with the kids help, she would still be outmatch and that's without counting our potential helpers. navia and the spina, clorinde and the robots/police officers, etc. the knave's a harbinger sure. thus, it's obvious she's strong, but her forte isn't only her strength, but also her brain. in fact, even fleeing might prove impossible. i also don't see her "sacrifice herself for the cause". as tartaglia told us about her (or maybe it was wanderer) he doesn't trust her, as she could very well turn her back on the other harbinger if it suit her agenda. dying wouldclearly not suit her agenda. so, my guess is if she have to betray someone between us and the fatui, she'll surely betray the fatui. even if not for a matter of preference, she might simply choose to be "on the winning side".

    sure, the fatui only need 1 more gnosis, but it doesn't mean "their" goal is also hers. the same way, tartaglia joined to fight better opponents and better himself. dottore probably joined for the freedom of his research and to easily get what we'd need to do them. as for the others, who knows. arlechino became a harbinger after killing the her predecessor who was also called the knave, due to the bad treatment he gave the orphans. watever the gnosis will be used for, i can't see anyway this would benefit her nor the orphan she care so much about. WE, on the other hand, are the closest thing to family for lyney, lynnete and freminet. she no doubt care about them. betraying us would pretty much be the same as betraying them. thus, arlechino betraying us would be both against her ideals her also completely illogical, as on the other hand, she have no reason to not betray the fatui. actualy, seeing what dotore did to so many kids, his strength is probably the sole reason she didn't attack him, like when she killed her predecessor.

  5. It would be cool, but honestly it needs to be an archon quest or an abyss quest instead of just character quest to showcase Arlecchino as the appropriate antagonist or the big orchestrator pulling everyone in her strings for the spider form to make impact


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