Are Sumeru Craftable Weapons Worth Investing? | Genshin Impact 3.0

Are Sumeru Craftable Weapons Worth Investing?

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Craftable Weapons!: 0:00
6480 Primos GA: 0:39
Sapwood Blade & Forest Regalia: 1:20
Moonpiercer: 3:51
King’s Squire: 5:19
Fruit of Fulfillment: 6:52
Should You Craft Sumeru Weapons?: 9:11

*Credited sources:
Sprout in the Thicket (tnbee mix):
Composer: HOYO-MiX
Arranger & Producer: tnbee

Prelude to Wisdom:
Composer: HOYO-MiX
Arranger & Producer: tnbee
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Lusk – Video Editor

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Are Sumeru Craftable Weapons Worth Investing?


24 thoughts on “Are Sumeru Craftable Weapons Worth Investing? | Genshin Impact 3.0”

  1. the sword def best f2p bennett weapon

    the catalyst super cool, i believe future character would love them.. dendro reaction and team need testing.. so maybe lisa best in slot for f2p? sucrose and kokomi, idk.. but the passive looking cool

    i like the polearm only if electro and dendro reaction love the em.. but if atk > em then maybe i wont craft it..

    dont have much to say about claymore

    i dont have dps bow, so.. yeah

  2. Highly disagree on polearm and bow.
    For polearm, dps units will generally prefer Inazuma pole for energy refund and skill dmg%.
    For bow, Tighnari would struggle with passive uptime, so hamayumi and 3* slingshot are his better f2p options.

  3. Really looking forward to all of the new craftable weapons, but I mainly have my eyes on that Claymore and Catalyst(the EM boost they provide is pretty insane overall).

  4. The catalyst sounds great with Sucrose since her whole kit revolves around EM. SF is one of her best available weapons for sure because of EM substat, but since her skill is also a double tab, it’s not used thoroughly.
    I’d craft it and have Sucrose hold it for the time being, and then let Heizou have SF as his default weapon. That way they both can have good weapon and I don’t have to switch around so much hehehe


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