Aboslutely Broken! Furina Best Teams | Genshin Impact

Furina / Focalors Best Team Compositions! Genshin Impact
This video covers Furina’s best teams and will explain how to build a team around her. I have explained her kit briefly and cleared up all the misconceptions that are going around regarding her kit. The teams mentioned in this video are not limited. The teams mentioned in this video are not limited, it is just to give you a general idea of how you can make teams with Furina and explain you the basics of her kit for easier team building. She is extremely flexible and can fit into many teams while also enhancing the overall damage.

Watch My Furina Build Guide – https://youtu.be/sODF0CQ9As0

Timestamps :-
00:00 intro
00:14 TLDR of her kit
01:22 Clearing Some Misconceptions
02:02 Team Comps

Music :- Dawn Winery Theme By Yu-Peng Chen & HOYO-Mix – https://youtu.be/DVhcpUoku_U?si=b_oxABDCipECTvex

#genshinimpact #furina #focalors #genshin

Queries :-
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genshin impact
furina teams
best furina team comps
furina guide
furina best teams
furina best team comps
is furina flexible?
best support
hydro archon
genshin impact furina teams
best teams
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focalors best teams
team building guide
genshin impact guide


20 thoughts on “Aboslutely Broken! Furina Best Teams | Genshin Impact”

  1. I'm hoping she will work with my mono geo team (C0 Zhongli, C1 Itto, C6 Gorou, and hopefully Furina). Was wondering whether Gorou's C4 healing will suffice tho if I replace headpiece with healing bonus instead of DEF%. Any thoughts?

  2. Kokomi is not good, because she needs to be on field to heal the team. You lose uptime of the buff if you use Kokomi. Even Barbara is better, because she instand heal the team with her Q. Baizhu and Jean are the best healers in a furina team. Baizhu has the strongest team heal with his E and Jean can wear VV and has a instand heal. Every other healer is not even close with a C0 Furina!


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