AR59 INSSAAANE Rewards! Some Thoughts on Endgame Content and Powercreep – Genshin Impact

Mihoyo is WAY too generous with their high AR rewards. I also discuss some of my thoughts on endgame content and powercreep in Genshin Impact.

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Inazuma 2.0 Yoimiya Sayu


49 thoughts on “AR59 INSSAAANE Rewards! Some Thoughts on Endgame Content and Powercreep – Genshin Impact”

  1. Been playing daily since the beginning of June, hit AR52 last night, and my only 5* weapon is a Skyward Spine (wooo). Seeing IWTL's arsenal while keeping that in mind is a special kind of disheartening.

    The barrier for entry for theorycrafting is well over several hundred dollars, the barrier for speedrunning well over several thousand. We're not even playing the same game, my dude.

  2. Mjhoyo (more specifically genshin) is so greedy when it comes to money, the sacred sakura tree rewards are better… All they should do is buff the rewards and add in the “seize the day” login event every week

  3. 🙂 don't worry mihoyo has plans to increase ar levels to 70 for now then 90 in khenreah time 100 for character level u can expect a level 100 level on hutao lol 🙂 and just like a others if u ascend the level 90 ur gonna get a permanent banner wish :/ yup and character level is goin 160 in the end of this game 🙂 2.5 years reamin for the time.

  4. I'm still hoping for a Yoimiya buff. Like not much, maybe allow her charged attack to trigger her firework mark, maybe increase the initial damage of the burst, maybe increase it's AoE size, maybe remove ICD on her normal attack… anything… I will take anything.

  5. releasing chars that dont powercreep is a good thing… but still a five star does have some expectations and standards.. which yoimiya didnt reach quite well.. so hopefully they do give her a buff (although there's a very little chance that this might happen)

  6. PSA: Don't spend your Acquaint Fates like IWTL did in this video. It is speculated that Standard banner could be revamped for/after anniversary. And even if nothing's gonna be changed, you will still have a slim chance to get the new 4* currently coming out (Sayu, Sara) rather than characters you already have
    Accumulate until Anniversary, Anni is the planni

  7. From my point of view, I don't really see the issue tbh. It's not like this is some major development. It's something you could already see coming for a long time. While there might be some incentive to actively raise your AR in the beginning, it becomes pointless at AR55. And you know that. You can see that there is for example no new WL increase. So there is not a real point to leveling AR at all. In the beginning, you "grind" for AR, because you want to do the next story quest and you want to grind for artifacts or something along those lines. And to make it a bit more interesting, they are also offering you rewards. But why would anyone actively grind for AR after AR55? So, there is no real reason for them to give you higher rewards, because this is just something on the sidelines. I am pretty sure that there are only two reasons for levels above AR55 in the first place. One is probably that ending on AR55 does not look as nice as ending on AR60. But I think, the more important note is that they left themselves open for possible higher AR requirements in the future. They were not 100% sure how they would proceed. They probably had a concept for higher ARs in the beginning and to make sure that no one reaches the end while they were discussing it, they just increased the EXP needed for those last 5 levels where nothing happens in the first place. Later, they decided they won't change the system and they will reduce the AR requirements for quests to balance new regions. So, they just left it there. Of course they could have changed the EXP needed at this point, but the question is then: Why? No one would actually grind for AR on its own anyway aside from showing off. There was no point in changing it.

  8. Hey guys. I tried joining the discord (I'm brand new to discord and don't fully understand how it all works) and I got stuck on the read the rules screen and couldn't proceed from there. It said to reply back with a reaction or something along those lines. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. I'd love to join up and theory craft. Thank you.

  9. when you finish all the content in a game and it becomes boring, try putting it down and playing a different game. pick it back up when there is new content maybe.. or just end the game.

  10. What I really recomend people is not to hardgrind after AR55+, just play chill on it, since eventually when new levels are unlock getting from 55 to 60 will be easy than the current 55 to 56.
    I am close to AR57 and I don't feel rewarded at all for it…


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