April 2021 Shop Reset | This ACTUALLY Changes Everything Genshin Impact

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26 thoughts on “April 2021 Shop Reset | This ACTUALLY Changes Everything Genshin Impact”

  1. Man im so happy shop is reset after 6 months , you guys think im sarcastic but it takes 6 months to get enought wishes for 34 glitter for F2P so that is perfect for my F2P account , F2P BTW
    C6 Amber beybe in 2,5 years!

  2. Amber is the best pyro applier in the game. Seeing how much Tony Ho uses her amazes me. Maybe she isnt as good as Ganyu Damage wise, but support wise she sure is even better.

  3. Wow..literally the only person who says don't use Starglitter for more summons. Strongly disagree. Building pity by getting Intertwined fates has way more value. Imagine using 34 Starglitter (almost 7 pulls) for an Amber constellation. Couldn't be me. Terrible advice. Yikes.

  4. Funny thing, there is actually a player made competitive league amongst the Chinese community, with actual picks and bans for an abyss floor 12 speed run. Each side is limited to 8 (or 10 I forgot) +20 artifacts and they do a floor 12 abyss speed run.

    Amber surprisingly has a 100% pick or ban rate and has the highest pick priority after all the Crazy main DPS and Bennett, since I Quote “Amber is THE strongest support character available for quick consecutive reactions for any hydro or cryo character.


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