Recently, MiHoYo put out a tweet saying “Polearm Impact”… And then I saw Mtashed make a new account where his focus is just having fun on the account in Genshin Impact… So I decided to take it upon myself to make a new account, but only use characters who wield a sword because absolutely nobody asked me to.
Link to the Swords Only Playlist:
This time around, we began our journey in Inazuma, and while helping out Ayaka, Yoimiya, and Thoma, we pulled out first 5 star on the standard banner
Eurobeat music courtesy of racer_snake on YouTube
#Genshin #GenshinImpact #Keqing
Nope! Itto already toke his vosipn back! Thats why the statue has the crack on the botton.
7:00 It doesn't matter, I got tripple 5* on standart banner and it was with single pulls
The fact that he got the wrong island with the wrong boss that hes gonna fight lmao
That's me thinking that I might get Diluc or Jean but getting Skyward Harp 🤧
Do mor minecraft plsss
I needed that skyward harp
get any 5* i want:
me: Excuse me, if u don't want that ill take it and give you my c1 qiqi that I hate for ruining my ayaka pull ;-;
If ball get a rerun pull for her yes she a polerm user bat if u use her burts it's a sword and if the Burt's ends not use ball
U know the keqing banner would have been perfect for ya
you atleast got a 5 star bow. i got a 5 star catalyst
When you started playing MC and the other games, I was waiting for you to move into a new game with a sponsor
5:31 ty, time for some tomfoolery 😀
Pineapple on pizza is good imo
i honestly feel the pain!! i reached pity on the standard banner after playing for months now, hoping to get jean but got a skyward pride 😔 but it's a five star weapon so i let beidou use it since she my kween
the fact he changed to other games lol
I like pineapple on pizza, idc if its not supposed to be on it. It's good
As a f2p childe main without skyward harp,it hurts that u got a skyward harp
WHAT THE FU-, your already at AR 38…
Well you could pull for Ganyu because you git skyward harph and then just re brand it as bows only XD
i have never seen someone that's voice is soo calm when what's happening is complete chaos
I know how it feels i wanted keqing and i got skyward pride 😥😥😥😥😥
Hope you get qiqi after getting keqing video
If he were to do a bow only run, he cpuld call it something like PatreArcher.
6:55 Indeed
That's why I'm still at 40 pity on the standard even tho I have been playing for 3 months
ittos vison was at the bottom of the statue cuz he wont need to climb to the top of the statue to get
I would like it if you uploaded Minecraft content for no particular reason
wait wait wait u can use shogun bc on her use u get a sword but then never use her again until her ult again
The reason why Itto's vision wasn't there is because he already took it back. As you can see from the cracks on the statue
You could’ve bought the cheese from the store in mondstadt
Again, cursed account
when he pulled up minecraft i died 💀😭