All Polearm Fighting Styles, including Hu Tao! [Genshin Impact]

#HuTao #GenshinImpact

The showcase of Fighting Styles of all current Polearm users, including Hu Tao!

00:00 – Hu Tao
02:57 – Xiangling
05:36 – Xiao
08:20 – Zhong Li
11:13 – Side-by-side comparisons


26 thoughts on “All Polearm Fighting Styles, including Hu Tao! [Genshin Impact]”

  1. All the polearm fighting styles are fun and unique, and then there’s the greatswords which are ALL THE FUCKING SAME.
    Edit: I mean claymore. Can you tell that I’m a monster hunter fan?

  2. Anyone notice Hu tao's fighting style is like a Monkey king (playful+smashing+swinging)? Also her weapon is "STAFF" of homa, and she makes a monkey sound when fighting (in japanese dub).

  3. Details nobody asked for but here,

    Hu tao messes around with her weapon, throwing it around and having fun.

    Xiangling is fast, rapid, yet has stable footing

    Xiao has intent with his weapon, attacking skillfully

    Zhongli is serious, skilled, and defies the laws of physics.


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