ALL ARTIFACTS SETS TESTED + COMPARISON! | Best Beidou Build Guide | Genshin Impact

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Spreadsheet here (it’s a mess):

#genshin #beidou #inazuma


41 thoughts on “ALL ARTIFACTS SETS TESTED + COMPARISON! | Best Beidou Build Guide | Genshin Impact”

  1. Can’t wait for the car as a builder you hope you touch on the C6 I know most people didn’t get it but well I got it’s so… Running them a mist splitter on him, since I never got the jade cutter.

    But yeah looks like I’ll be going emblem since I don’t have wolf gravestone and i do have skyward pride

  2. Quick question but is beidou viable as an off field burst support without any other electro character to battery for her? If no how much er do you reckon should be enough to atleast have her ult up for the second rotation? Im planning to use my graveston for her but i feel like i wont have enough er to get her ult up in time.

  3. Love the content, but not including substats at all really hinders your findings. It's just wildly unrealistic. Even the "worst" players will have more rolls than your calcs. This also really tilts some of your findings. This also tilted your ZL finding for example, as all crit dmg weapons were garbage in comparison w/o a cr circle, because without sub stats you're at literally 5%. Maybe try low balling it? Or even better if you wanna go the extra mile: different levels of investment,

  4. That final image of the three best weapons for Beidou is symbolic.
    Wolf's Gravestone – beautiful, fancy, deadly, whales only (or ultra lucky). If you get this, you're basically set for any claymore character in general.
    Serpent's Spine – Not as strong as Wolf's, but powerful and the best 4 star – however you gotta pay for it.
    And finally, Luxurious Sealord…a goofy looking fish. F2P.

  5. ofc if u use gravestone, atk time piece, only crit substats… everything perfect, when u dont need any optimazing at all btw… you'll get bigger dmg but dude, we're talking about an Off Field 80 energy character.. IDK…


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