#Albedo #Gold #Cutscene
At the end of the Shadows Amidst Snowstorms story, Albedo finally shares his thoughts about his master, himself, and his goal for existing.
TAGS: Shadows Amidst Snowstorms, Part 3, Story Quest, Albedo, Master Gold, Failed Experiment, Cutscene, Noxxis Genshin, Noxxis Gaming
What does this line mean?
"Nasty abandoned project failure of the primodial human project "
By this does he mean himself or the doppelganger?
And now I cant wait for the next part omg
This made me cry and just TEARS
Ah yes…im started too feel pity for the abandoned experiment… I hope he doesnt die T^T but its inevitable
so there is 3 albedos ohhh ok im dum
Genshin Impact's cutscene are really awesome.
That’s it. I don’t care about meta or not, I’ve decided to build a team with the characters in this story, and yes that includes Amber
So the real albedo is the one with the birth mark? And other is the fake albedo?
Looking for the theme of this cutscene
I….I didn't even notice a 2nd Albedo in this cutscene….how distracted was I…I literally thought to myself that was it but I somehow missed another Albedo😂
You think Albedo was aware of there being more of him in Teyvat if so maybe his first story cutscene when he says he will destroy mondstadt….wat if he wasn't referring to himself but one of his clones/brothers
I dont remeber this svene when was this ?
We better get a whole 12 chapter mini series on albedo’s journey to find his brother and take him down with a character arc included
This is so beautiful…
Albedo now has 2 siblings!(3 I'd you count durin)
One is his twin that's trying to kill him and traveller.
And a toddler terrorist!
I think I noticed something. There were two of them but they dont think the same. The one that attack the group was the same person who attacked Joel. But the one that survived wasnt hostile because he didnt even attack the Traveler when he first showed up. He was more a curious type.
In my theory the perfect being was born from the durin's belly or his own manifestation into a smaller being just like morax.
If you do a bit of research you would find that Albedo from 1.3 had no mark on his neck. I'm disregarding the pesky flower that imitated albedo.
The Albedo in 2.3possessed an opening mark a star that can't be seal thus made by gold a Homunculus. The prototype was made for durin all along but he was unable to take over Albedo cus of davlin yet stumbling upon a failure davlin wasn't phased he made his own creation. The albedo we were meant to have the real being sent to mondstat for it's annihilation.
After seeing albedo pull out the cinabar spindle here. I just have to r5 it and level it to 90. This sword looks like 5 star when it comes to aesthetic. And it also compliments albedo's outfit
Albedo into the bedoverse
In the ending scene, is albedo going to hunt/kill the prototype albedo?
That day, if our positions were switched…
Would our fates be different?
Would I have your life, and you mine?
– Not Albedo –
So after watching this and reading some informations, Durin is the first creation of Rhinedottir (a.k.a "Gold"), which is made through Soil, and the 2nd creation would be the "Primordial Albedo"(the first Albedo i would say it easier), the Primordial Albedo is the first of the Primordial Human Project, which is also the first failure(don't know reason for him being a failure), in which Rhinedottir dispose of him by letting Durin devour him(but i guess he survive even after being devoured), and after that, Rhinedottir created the Current Albedo which is the final creation after researching and analyzing all the problems from the first Experiment and perfecting it. (btw both Primordial Albedo and The Current Albedo is made through Chalk)
“dispose of you and the traveler” got me mad confused
so the half narration was the other albedo? i am a bit lost tbh
uh anyone else scared we could be having a fight with an army albedo clones? or is it just me
It's so emotional lol and the soundtrack make it better T∆T i wonder what is the name of the ost…
It’s the music that gets me tho
my favorite cutscene yet
does anyone know the song thats playing?
this scene is very beautiful, the background music, albedo's narration, it was full of emotions, him relating to his brother's feeling makes him humane (he doesn't know it, but he's not so much different then humans, for an artificial being, it's interesting to witness.). and dragonspine is very beautiful too, it compliments every element in this scene.
and i think the cutscenes in this event is something new for genshin, because everything in this event is beautiful, but THIS SCENE has been living in my head since it's out, who knows how much i've repeated this scene, it's very beautiful, best christmas gift of all time.
So is this the finale of the event we won't have dialogs with albedo anymore ???😥
I refers To "Good Albedo" Speaking In The Perspective of "Bad Albedo" !
Can someone explain to me im slow af
At 0:19 I instantly thought of Vergil’s “If our positions were switched” line
this was beautiful.