Albedo Talks About His Diamond Mark (Genshin Impact)

This is a very nice piece of information. Maybe Mihoyo uses it to hint other things?

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22 thoughts on “Albedo Talks About His Diamond Mark (Genshin Impact)”

  1. Personally i just think its because mihoyo likes the shape bc it looks like a primogemā€™s shape so they just put it about anywhere they could as long as it passed

  2. Khaenriā€™ah and Celestia definitely have a connection to each other, and it is a hostile one. I believed that before Khaenriā€™ah rise, Teyvat was a place just like how it is with the 7 archrons governing each region. However there is a group of people who does not like having the archons around as having a being with god powers controlling humanity is ridiculous and humiliating, so they decided to form a new country called Khaenriā€™ah where only humanity can govern themselves. As they begin to gather more people to have a proper country, they need a deterrence to prevent the gods from interfering. So they start researching on things that does not use the elements such as alchemy and technologies to create what we known as ruin guards.
    As Khaenriā€™ah starts to grow bigger and stronger without relying on the archons or the elements, Celestia starts to keep an eye on Khaenriā€™ah as they could pose a threat to the heavenly principles of Celestia which humanity would grow out of their faith to the gods and may jeopardize Celestia's standing. "Given how advance Khaenriā€™ah's technologies are, they could developed a weapon that could bring us down. We need to destory them before they do it" which what Celestia thought so, and then the war happened.
    Durin and the ruin guards are one of their many weapons that they developed but ultimately failed to do what they supposed to do. So Gold make Albedo to blend in to society to learn to be human in order to avoid the eyes of the gods which he suceeded when he was given a vision.
    Gold also told Albedo to learn more about alchemy so that one day Albedo will discover the horrible truth about Teyvat, Celestia and Khaenriā€™ah and he will destory Teyvaat, just like the Chalk prince quest indicate at the end.

  3. I believe in the case of Dainslief and Kaeya that well firstly we know dainsleif was cursed in some way after the downfall of khannria so perhaps the mark in his eyes shows that he was tampered with and thus cursed for kaeya it could be the same sort of indication considering if he is from khannria then it should be known that all of the people from khannria were wiped out and/or became monsters. If kaeya is from there then he would need to have been tampered or changed with to survive that long hence the eye symbol as well. for the travelers all we know is that they are not from teyvat specificly not that they arent from the same world teyvat resides in because all we know is that the dark sea exists we do not know however how people would view other places in the dark sea perhaps they would see it as another world hence the travelers usage of the term from another world and we dont know much about the travelers life either but we are aware that they do have memories before their journey started as they never stated they dont remember anything or any sort of memory loss hence they could very well also be creations of some kind and just dont view it as such like albedo would.

  4. I'd say the mark is related to "divinity". Khaenri'ahn blood could've been injected into Albedo to help give him life (like how Durin's blood is used in other life forms to bring them to life) as Khaenri'ahns may be some form of ancient humans that were closely connected to the heavens or the stars. It also explains the cosmic theme the Abyss and Dain have to not only their outfits but the powers used by both. It's an otherworldly power or an ancient Element that draws from the sky, space and stars.

  5. OKE WHAT IF, remember the part from the We Will be Reunited Quest, Dainsleif mentioned about being ā€œtraveling partners with ā€˜herā€™ā€™. Assuming ā€œherā€ is Lumine, and that Lumine woke up first before Aether during the destruction of Kaenriah 500 years ago, was Dainsleif the Paimon to Lumine like Paimon is to Aether. My theory stems from the diamonds this video mention about how it could have a connection to Kaenriah and itā€™s artificial creations. Maybe Paimon and Dainselif are related in a way for the purpose that they serve, which we really donā€™t know much on. I do remember however Dainsleif served in the army, which makes my theory probably wrong, but it just caught my attention cuz like they both have galaxies in their capes and have diamonds related to them.

  6. Albedo is the failure product
    While Twins is the only perfect product so the unknown God came and dispose of them before it too late that this twins may be uncontrollable till the point of they could rule over teyvat.

  7. Hear me out what if the traveler you play as is like Albedo and the real sibling died and the other sibling Recreated us and we finally woke up when she was trying to run away with us?

  8. Ah yes, primogems symbol that you can see everywhere on every character. Silently input on our brain to get primogems by topup. 1 way of brainwashing our brain to tell how important primogems is and we shouldn't skip a day doing dailies.

  9. I believe the diamond-shaped mark is supposed to mean either of these 2 things:
    1. Mark of outlander – traveler, albedo, kaeya, dainsleiff, and scara are all different from regular teyvatans. They don't "belong in this world"
    2. Mark of khaenriah (or more generally, mark of resistance against the divine) – albedo, kaeya, and dain are directly related to it and the traveler's sibling is fighting for khaenriah. The marks on abyss mage's arms are pretty similar to this diamond mark.
    This also leads to the theory that the traveler is actually from there and therefore was attacked by the unknown goddess (the same goddess that destroyed khaenriah). The traveler might not be aware that khaenriah is her homeland since it has been like 500 years since the cataclysm and the name could have changed.

  10. Well it would make sense that the mark would be on Scaramouche too s8nce he is also a artificial human made, however it is made by a god not by a Khaenri'ah personn. Could that means that Ei and her twin sister were related to Khaenri'ah before submiting to Celestia and the Heavenly principles ?

  11. I started thinking Honkai's version of Noah's arc or something like that.. maybe the world of Teyvat is synthetic with some natural elements in it to make things more lively or to produce natural life..and synthetic beings are the ones ttaking care of that.. Anyways I'll update this if I have any more crazy ideas popping from my head.


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