"Albedo" Boss Fight REACTION! | Genshin Impact

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20 thoughts on “"Albedo" Boss Fight REACTION! | Genshin Impact”

  1. I was so disappointed that it was a flower I thought it was a fatui character boss but seeing the failed human experiment wanting to kill albedo to take his place is cool hopefully we get a part 3

  2. What I gathered was that there are 3 Albedos. Our Albedo, the prototype Albedo and the whopperflower Albedo. The prototype Albedo was made by Rhinedottir as a prototype, but was discarded. We see the prototype albedo the first time in monstadt with sucrose looking a bit angry, and outside the cave talking about how humans discard what they deem useless. The whopperflower Albedo was created by the prototype Albedo for unknown reasons. The whopperflower Albedo is missing its tattoo because it was mimicking the prototype's body. Our Albedo seem to feel a little bad for the prototype, which is why he keeps the prototype a secret. The prototype's agenda is unknown, but we know it has some hate towards Albedo and Rhinedottir.


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