Addressing The State of Genshin Impact & Fontaine ft. @Doro44c @BranOnline @kettletoro Podcast #1


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21 thoughts on “Addressing The State of Genshin Impact & Fontaine ft. @Doro44c @BranOnline @kettletoro Podcast #1”

  1. Great vid, me personally I need end game content… it’s depressing having gotten all my characters built to the point where now I am just mid maxing artifacts. It’s gotten so bad to the point where I don’t even want to pull anyone else right now since everything dies so easily. I need a challenge I can look forward to at least more often than spiral abyss for one day every two weeks. 😩

  2. Not everything Genshin does so far is good, I admit that..but i believe some of them do be reasonable..

    + artifact loadout..never a bad thing to add..
    + wave after wave in domain is a good idea..
    + more playable Harbingers..even 7 sovereigns is now playable, nevermind Archon and why not these Harbingers
    + Geo do need something in them, restrictions to play mono element is a bit ehh..if its only for certain character its understandable (like Lyney)..but the Geo reactions (in terms of damage) does make it seems its for the whole element..
    + do need to add more variety under the sea..even in desert people start saying its "aged like a milk", and that is while we can use characters' abilities like normal..
    + the idea of character to be "a bit underwhelming" because they will be added into standard banner..i agree..given how random and theres no specific pattern for them doing it, it is a big worry..

    – "pity system" in artifact domain..theres Strongbox for that, its 100% guaranteed, but yea at the cost of three 5 star pieces..
    – togglable constellation is a bit it too strong? i mean thats why we call it P2W right, you dont have to invest as much time on the likes of artifacts it ruin your team comps (like Bennett)? thats why they start releasing all these other niche characters (YunJin, Gorou, Mika, Shenhe, etc)

    …adding harder content is never a bad thing
    …add the amount of condense resin can be made at a time or something
    …more permanent features is welcome IMO..we have card game and pure combat from Abyss..why not add more prominent, like Mario Kart or something using the Waverider..sports, NGL all those Heizou football/Beidou baseball/etc can expand more than just a limited event..same as strategy, dude dont just use the same Theater Mechanicus, make Klee bombing AoE from a Hilichurl Tower, Jean push back the enemy from a Hilichurl Tower, bring that concept into overworld instead of special domain..

  3. Developping toggle-able WL9 so we can have overworld challenging coop content. Triple monsters HP. Easy mobs could drop up to 50 gray/green artifacts and eilte up to 20 blue/purple artifacts daily. Elites, domains and bosses could have a chance of dropping Resin Beads which could be used to craft Resin. Nothing crazy but something that could bring kind of replayable challenging content with somewhat ok rewards.

  4. I really liked it, my only complaint is I wish it was longer, I think there's plenty of things that genshin should fix, but I understand its hard for people to meet up for long periods of time when they have their own lives and things to do. Excited for the next one 😊

  5. No! We need a Badass Cool-Designed Waifu Harbinger like Arlecchino…they've done us dirty with Signora's death. Plus Childe & Scaramouche have mid designs & if you didn't know about their great stories & lore, you would mistaken them as NPC's…Childe looks like a Russian Millelith & Scaramouche looks like an Edgy version of Ruu (the boy from Tsurumi Island).

    The most Coolest Designs of Harbingers are Arlecchino, Capitano, Sandrone, Columbina, Dottore, & Pierro…but some of them might probably die & will be unplayable.

  6. Oh, they could have done alot of Underwater Combat actually better, just 3 examples:

    1) Give all Characters Underwater Weapons that come with individual Underwater Combat Skill Sets actually designed dedicatedly for it !! together with Underwater Constellations that share your C-number with your On Ground Constellations Number, so if you are C0, you are C0 in Underwater too, you are C4, you are C4 underwater too, very simple.
    Every Character has 1 of 5 different Underwater Weapons, which are:
    – Spears (Polearm), Catalyst (Shocker, right, just protected by air bubbles if its Books), Daggers (as replacement for Claymores), Swords (Shocker again) and Harpoons as replacement for Bows as mechanical bolt shooting guns…. when Guild Wars 2 can do solid Underwater Combat with multiple Classes, so should be able to do that MHY too, just wioth Characters and neccessary Skills for each of them with fitting Weapons.. and we are speaking here only about 2 Skills per Character, not like douzends of Skills per Class…

    2) Rework the Reaction System for Underwater Combat, given the fact, that everything underwater is naturally affected always with Hydro, which means, in Underwater Combat can exist logically only Hydro Reactions, which means naturally that Hydro Characters (logically Fontaine Characters) have in underwater Combat by design the natural advantage of being the best Reaction Applicators, they Skilsl won't apply Wet Status, Hydro Characters underwater apply instead the opposite then "Dehydration" as theiy absorb the Water from the inside of their targets to damage them underwater and the only Element of the power to drain Water, should be logically hydro, if they master to give water they can also master the opposite way of draining water to deal damage in a play thats full of water So which Reactions would logically exist in an underwater realm?

    Pyro > Vaporize, just as on ground …simple as enemies are always wet…which makes Pyro Units underwater powerful.
    Cryo > Freeze, same as simpke, what works on groudn, will work underwater naturally too
    Anemo > Maelstrom, a little change, because otherwise we'd have only hydro Swirls, very boring, so Maelstrom becomes a underwater crowd control, that draws enemies together, so that Shocks can hit easier multiple clenched together targtes at once, so that Anemo and Electro together become very effective in Underwater Combat to defeat quickly many enemies.
    Geo > Under current system logically Crystallize, again a no brainer
    Dendro > Bloom, again a no brainer, simple green floating grenades still that just goo boom some time later
    Electro > Shock, again just like on ground..a no brainer …
    Hydro > the only Element of them all ,where it gets tricky n needs a change, by turning it into the only Reaction, which reacts this time with itself Wet, when the Dehydration Effect hits on Wet, it will cause then the Reaction Fatigue, which will make targets temporarely defenseless, deleting strongly the durability of Shields n Auras enemies might have underwater to remove them quickly. So if you meet on high protected enemies underwater, take out Hydro Characters and they will weaken them for you quickly, so that you can deal again optimal DMG. Done.

    3) Make actually the Enemies better n more interesting, instead of turning them into hyper dumbed down 1 to 2 Shot Kills with super overpowered Sea Creature Skills. Dont missunderstand me he, sea Creature Skilsl are a very nice touch to the game, if yoused more like unique Exploration Tools and not all for I win instantly-Kill Skills. The new Squid Time Nuke is just insane, fun to use, but just way to insane, you can just kill with it everythign nearly instantly lol wheres the fun in that at least combat wise? I can understand that they wanted to make Fontaine the infantile level dull Exploration Experience first, because its the new region, Diving has to be introduced and that as relaxing and simple minded as possible, to not overwhelm incel players on phones with too much complexity, but hopefully this gets changed overtime, to add in the future more underwater content that is explorable outside of Fontaine, where they can add then at the right time some serious underwater Combat to the game based on these 3 points, and yes this means effort, and effort requires logically time that they most likely didnt have for Fontaine with their 6 weeks schedule. So they made the best they could with Fontaine in a way, thats easy to use, easy to grasp, relaxing to see kind of perspective, in order to buy themself the neccessary tiem first to work on the actually real complex Underwater Content, once peopel got first used more to the Underwater Controls and the aspect, that you have there truly 3D combat, where you can be basically attacked allways from all directions and need to consider more, than only attack range, but also angle and your heigth. You have alot more movement freeding in underwater combat, than you have that on land, whre you are alot more limited by your Stamina, than underwater, where the Stamina feels like twice as long, than underwater and where swimmign fast seems also to reduce Stamina much slower due to that difference alone.

  7. Eula fixed Physical? That's why she took so long for her rerun. Brace yourselves and get Navia asap because she will have the same treatment as Eula with her rerun. 😂

    Imo, Geo does need a rework but i'm against a complete one? Like keep the normal shield mechanic with reaction from electro, pyro, hydro and cryo. Geo should only have reactions with Anemo and Dendro as to not make it too complicated with all the possible reactions.

  8. In regions before Fontaine, I felt like a real adventurer going out there doing great things, saving the world that kind of everyday hero stuff. Came Fontaine, that vibe somehow transformed into that of a twisted murderer, going out there to murder, mutilate perfectly peaceful and adorable sea creatures… endless families of sea creatures…. slaughtered merciless by the "legendary traveler"… 😂


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