Make The PERFECT Chiori Build | Genshin Impact

#genshinimpact #hoyocreators


39 thoughts on “Make The PERFECT Chiori Build | Genshin Impact”

  1. I keep saying this. They should add the previous event weapons as the reward when you finish the character's hangout quest or story quest. If they put it, then more ppl would play the quest. I'm AR57 and i still have Sucrose standing at the alchemy table cuz i dont want to play Albedo's story quest 💀💀

  2. Am i wrong, or are Festering Desire and Cinnibar spindle the only event weapons actually worth a damn? (maybe the Melusine greatsword) but the Fish claymore is still amazing, but is over 2 years old…All the new stuff just seems "eh" at best.

  3. Albedo was actually the first limited 5* i got and I got his weapon too!
    The bad news is when I did the event I didn't know what refinement was so it's permanently at r1
    So know everytime I use him I just feel an overwhelming sense of regret lol

  4. Idk about 4pc glad ngl, her normal attacks scale exclusively off from Atk%. If you want to use def% main stats, it's probably better to run her on 2pc Atk 2pc Geo dmg bonus for a budget build to increase her skill damage (which has dual scaling with atk and def)

  5. i ADORE albedo, but i wasn't around for the cinnabar event which hurts twice as bad since that event also had albedo lore. i am so so salty about cinnabar, everytime i go onto co-op and check out people's builds (resinless behaviour) i CRY whenever i see cinnabar spindle. my friend TAUNTS me with their cinnabar, saying "haha you missed the event" and i CRY and i SCREAM and i WAIL. why would you make a sword SPECIFICALLY for a character (literally albedo's bis since it released, also has some lore to go with it, released with an albedo event, also matches his goddamn colour scheme) only to make it unavailable for new players? it makes me so so upset. sorry for ranting, live laugh love albedo

  6. everyone calls chiori a copy of keqing but no one calls alhaitham a copy ! This community is trash ! And someone is gonna try and to tell me why chiori should’ve been a 4 star ! This community can never be united as 1


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