Addressing The Genshin Impact Stans… | Tectone Reacts

Addressing The Genshin Impact Stans… | Tectone Reacts
A Word Of Advice For Genshin Stans…

Tectone React
Otk react
steak and eggs
steak and eggs podcast


48 thoughts on “Addressing The Genshin Impact Stans… | Tectone Reacts”

  1. The people who are getting pissed off about stuff like this are just dumb little kids with their parents' credit cards that they maxed out four times trying to get one character from the gacha :V

  2. Keeping it real.

    I actually only just realised there's this whole damn cult thing going on with a certain group of Genshin players.

    Like WTF ?!

    It's this whole thing that's not just happening in gaming but in pretty much every aspect of life. When people's emotions and feelings are becoming before facts. And people get butt hurt.

    Facts are facts. Deal with it. How can people get so defensive over something so insignificant. Humanity is absolutely mind blowing at times. Just complete facepalm.

    I just can't cope with it. It's – crazy –

  3. I do think these insane people will attack anyone that speaks they fucking minds.I do feel bad for the people effected but I also think that shit never gonna change.Twitter mindset is giving them brainrot for reals

  4. This is why despite me being into anime I've never associated or bothered trying to talk to the community because it isn't even a Genshin thing, anything anime related/inspired have been filled with a bunch of kids who're beyond idiotic lol.

  5. But people play games to escape reality, they got plenty sad shit to provide 'balance' in life!!!
    Streamer who play game all day: 'but you need challenge to appreciate the win in game, other wise winning will become boring'
    Sure bro…

  6. If someone calls gacha smack is a drama creator they need to check their brains is working or not bro it's hoyoverse dudes what's makes the difference between genshin revenue and honkai star trail revenue when is gonna ended up to a dam single company

  7. Yesterday I was raiding random people’s world to steal their mats and I ran across a player that was so down bad and lame I couldn’t believe it. First he was rp as a uwu bf to the player’s world and it was super cringe. He also said I should rebuild my Shogun even tho her lv90 ass was carrying in the few fights we did. I said I don’t get lucky on artifacts and I’m busy with work I don’t play the game that hard and he says “okay? It’s easy rofl” I called him a bum ass nigga and he didn’t take that too lightly. Mfs ruin my experience with this game by just being a loser taking this game to heart


  9. Lol not same. Tectone always uses Genshin Players lol. I wouldn't mind if he began to say Genshin stans to make sure people know he's talking about a specific subset. Anyhow, its so funny seing reasonable people collectively call out the Genshin over reaches and reactions from that subset of players.

  10. I play Honkai very casually, always before I go to work or before sleeping. Although, I do enjoy optimizing my characters and getting through the most difficult content even as a casual, it's never going to be enough to make me care about how much the game is generating money, or what character earned Hoyo more revenue, or what character is meta or not. It just doesn't really matter to me. So, every time I see people making fun of others because their character didn't earn Hoyo more money, or getting angry that x game is generating more money, or angry because a content creator called their favorite character mid is just stupid. These people must either not have jobs, be in middle school, or have a privileged life to be able to spend so much of their time and energy to care so much about these things. If worrying and raging about what a content creator said about your fav character/game is your number 1 concern, then boy, do you have it easy in life.

  11. i think the messege itself was really good, but the problem is, that i can't just take someones advice on how you should live your life because after over a year of therapy i know that its not that easy to just tell someone whats goal of life is, and whats good or not. Also he makes a lot of statements about what life is and is not about, and i dont want to tell that he is wrong, i just would need to verify if anything that he says accually make sense and helps you. So in the end i agree with him, but i got the feeling that he makes this video thinking that everyone should agree with how you should live. (i want to say that, this is how i felt about that video not how you should feel)

  12. Lmao of course some incredibly stupid Genshin stan is gonna get mad at what this guy is saying. He's providing facts and the stupid kid just couldn't handle it so he just had to put that comment down in his recent video because his favorite game was being attacked. How dare he! I always live it when those types of idiots post guilt trip comments in hopes of making the content creator feel bad and wrong by what they're saying in the video. *"Durr I used tuh like yer vids, but you posted sumthin' that o'fended me. What a shame." Oh shut up! Stupid kid, you are just another number among hundreds to thousands of followers for that content creator. Your stupid white knight opinion will not work. Go piss off if you don't like his content or thoughts lol. White knights are some of the dumbest people in any community and always will be and I take great joy in attacking them for it. Too stupid to understand what opinions are, but sadly it will never change. This is why I avoid the Genshin community and keep to myself and friends/family who play this only. Remember, the Genshin community is full of thousands and thousands of mindless and inept kids who don't know squat aside from the game's "meta" and "waifu" bullcrap and will ask the dumbest questions with obvious answers and get mad at the dumbest things every single day (mostly on Twitter). Addressing the aggressive Genshin morons who will heavily defend this game yes, you need to talk to them like they're the most dumbest and unintelligent buffoons that walk this Earth, save for some teenagers out there that are actually intelligent and understand what this guy is saying. They pretend daily that they're better when they cleary aren't. These plebians are the future generation of adults? Lol ouch. Call out their favorite waifu? They'll be all over making Tiktok videos to make fun of you all for clout and attention. You don't like a character as a personal opinion to yourself? They'll do the same thing. Don't play "meta" characters? They'll pick on and harass you for absolutely no reason because they're too stupid to mind their own business thinking that their own gameplay is laughably being affected by yours instead of just offering helpful tips and allowing them to play whoever they see fit. What a world to see, but it's a dream reality. This also goes for a few annoying content creators that I won't name that have the same elitist meta trash only mindset. Long story short, avoid these brats as much as possible except for only the kids or teens who are patient, kind and understand this corrupt situation also and thankfully a good amount of them are around.

  13. Tectone! Watch this "the worst argument in gaming" by NovemberHotel. Talks a lot about what GatchaSmack says in this video about balance! It also talks about what you say in regards to critiquing being a positive thing amongst building better content and a better game! I would love to see a review on this vid!

  14. I play genshin on a daily but unlike stans and fans, I dont play the game 5-10h a day. I play atleast 30 minutes. sometimes an hour. I do comms, claim and exit. abyss, grinding, exploring and quest doings are also options for me to do. Im pretty much a decent cook irl and do workout daily aswell.

  15. Personally i really don't understand what's the point of giving us such a powerful character so early… Now every other Dps will feel lacking for meta slaves. As a F2P i only pull on characters's banners I like.

  16. Hate to say this but i think some of "Genshin stans" Chose to be ignorant to escape their real life problem because they can't face the fact and truth.
    So the only way they can do is looking for love and Genshin might provide them that which mean anything that will threatened their fake "Community, Love" they will try everything to put it down.

    To the point of DT , Doxxing

  17. I think that people are much more used to Genshin over Star Rail that's why they get angered so easily over negative things. Personally in my case I'm not obsessed, but Genshin has helped me with my anxiety in a way no other game has.

  18. I don’t get why it’s so offensive for some genshin players because the game still makes shit tonnes of money and still one of the top. I play both games and I see no problem with it. There will be months when genshin will make more money than hsr, there also will be more months of the opposite but it’s totally fine.

  19. The genshin stans are proof that Chinese propaganda works. It's crazy enough to defend a company like Mihoyo that have turned millions of kids into gambling addicts, but to defend pixels made by them, ahahah. These kids are so out of touch with reality and they're gonna suck as adults.

  20. 12:38 “ it’s nice to have another mature adult in the community” is implying that you consider yourself to be part of the community. How ironic since not long ago, you made a video saying that you are not part of the community and that your just a gamer playing the game.


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