Addressing the Genshin Impact Community | Gacha Cast #3 Ft. @Necrit @OkCodeTV @kettletoro @IslandXD

Addressing the Genshin Impact Community | Gacha Cast #3

0:00 Introductions
17:40 Fontaine Thoughts
33:19 Is Ganyu A Support?
1:04:12 Lyney Backlash
1:10:01 Fontaine Zone & Combat
1:53:46 Main Story
3:08:47 Outro


Tectone React
Otk react
steak and eggs
steak and eggs podcast


48 thoughts on “Addressing the Genshin Impact Community | Gacha Cast #3 Ft. @Necrit @OkCodeTV @kettletoro @IslandXD”

  1. 2:07:50 no they dont need to be there code! what the traveler is there for is to be lyney's attorney not a investigator for the Dissolving case or the disappearance case our job is done there its there job to figure it out not us the traveler do not want to be there. i swear to god Code is not the best when it comes to lore/story commonsense
    2:29:35 another misunderstanding traveler did not hate him being a fatui he hate him because they did not tell them the actually what happend so the MC thinks thet they did not trust him enough to tell him everything.
    2:33:59 Code! Code!! NoWAYYY!!! Navia literally said (I sent people to Hotel Debord to investigate, but whoever did this left no trace at all) thats the literal line she said ingame.
    2:41:40 NOO WAAYYY WHY DOES NO ONE KNOW WHAT GENSHIN MEANS??? Venti literaly said it in the beginning of the game! Venti said alogenes in English but if you go to other language like JP they said Genshin! Genshin is the Vision bearer who may ascend celestia and become god!
    2:42:57 not to disrespect HSR but… Bailu story quest… luocha story quest…
    2:59:14 cant really say if thats a one piece of semi reasonable evidence if you have his whole document file how to make drug and cloth that has the missing girls and diary as evidence.
    2:59:15 so your are saying you still wont give up if theres literal God looking directly at you?
    2:59:41 the sinte industry wont work anymore if they dont have the primordia sea water which marcel(Vacher) has access to he trade it outside so thats why hes wealthy.
    3:03:06 imagine this guy can turn someone into a water and send out a lot of illegal Gardemeks without being detected for 20years! and would you still think hes not powerful? what i think is its because you guys think its has a NPC Model not unique enough so not powerful. even if the NPC has a whole lore or even a close relationship with a playable character if they die you would not care if they have a NPC model so its your mindset that has a problem. i hate how NPC always Gets slander even if they are important for the buildup/story.

    welp thats all my take you can agree to disagree. but enjoyed the video still.

  2. What I notice about Paimon is that we ofen had a lot of interactions about she just repeating things that have being said to just extend the dialog duration and that was boring and desnecessary. Now I think they put this role to different caracthers and let Paimon be more direct to the point in the dialogs.

  3. 2:41:40 Kinda funny that no one answer Brax question. Should blame the English translation team for doing bad job at not actually use the word "Genshin" in english localization. "Genshin" is literally a title for someone that receive a vision according to japanese translation.

  4. They mentioned a lot of characters sound kind of the same and boring, while Furina is like a breath of fresh air. It's true in some way, but I believe it's even more apparent with the EN dub. The studio directing the EN voice actors seem very lazy and just slap the same directing for a lot of the characters and a lot of the time it just ruins the immersion because of how forced the voices are. Perfect comparison to make here is with the small (kid) characters. The voice acting fits in every dub other than EN, and that can really take away from stories.

    This is not some "JP is superior" bs, it's just very weird to me how some CCs can complain so much about the voices of EN Paimon and some other characters ruining the story when they can always give another dub a try..

  5. Seems like the Dragon in Fontain is connected to Durin. I bet my primos that the "Mother" is Gold. If you finished the world quest in the Melusine village everything becomes clearer and you notice that the crimson agathe(Durin's coagulated blood) and the hidro dragon's coagulated bood have the same properties.

  6. About Neivillete being the archon because Furina is kinda incompetent; Remember, every archon is a bit like this. Jean is the competent one, not Venti. Zhongli is competent, but the true ruler is in practice Ningguang and the qixing. Yae miko and Sarah did arguably more for Inazuma than Raiden. Nahida is kind and interferes when she feels like she needs to… but The academia and the matra are the ones who really take care of the city and nation. I like this, because, if you remember how the Greek gods work, this is… kind of…how it is supposed to be. The true rulers in practice are not much the gods, the gods are too focused on their own personal affairs (except for a few rulers) and have MAJOR character flaws. Especially when it comes to humankind, they interfere because of their own interests and flawed nature, but never to rule humankind. That's why I think it would make more sense for Furina to be the Archon, and Neuvillete being powerful, but more like ningguang and the qixing.

  7. MC is cool with childe cuz they ve seen the more human side of him with the whole teucer story + they understand he too was duped by signora and zhongli when he released osial (take note he was acting under orders and his whole family is pretty much at gunpoint of the fatui so if he doesnt follow orders its game over for them) + inazuma quest with xinyan further endears him to the audience and MC ….and hes just a glutton for a good fight

    soooo childe has more time spent with the traveler than lyney and lynette who have been there for like a day or two and have been found out to have been witholding info whereas childe let us know the first chance he got (like 2 minutes after meeting us) that he is fatui, is not exactly a fan of signora either and while he is a kind of bad guy hes not looking to give us trouble.

  8. Man they really missed the point that Fontaine’s justice system is supposed to be absolutely ludicrous inefficient. That’s why the populace is split on it being a form of entertainment and law. It’s going to be a story strike that it is so inane. But yea we’ll just gloss over that and complain a bunch instead :D.

  9. The thing with Lyney and Lynette creating the Air vent isn't so weird. Because they were allowed the construction of the whole tunnel beneath the stage. Them adding a little extra vent isn't so weird then right.

  10. 1:07:09 as a person who's life has pretty much been changed by project moon and the stories they tell, it causes me so much pain to know that this what the community I love and form part of is known for on other spheres.

  11. C6 bennett is still one of those its good if you plan to use it, but does screw over specific teams that you got to logic check your account to see if its valid or not and if you want to use those chars in ways or not. razor in particular has a hyperbloom burgeon mix team using him, but he cant use physical(not realy a downside atm) if C6.
    fontain for me was actually my most intrested content for story reasons because of how the story of teyvat trailer posed the region and how the hydro god is. the next region natlan im not to excited for so far, but the next 2 after that is all the build up of what has bin in teyvat.
    my prediction on the judge mechine and why childe is guilty is all around that prophecy on how "everyone will be desolved and only then all our sins will be washed away" where the verdicts of it will see humans and their will be sin in it self. not the first time ive personally seen this story line, but not like its a bad one depending on how its setup. also the archon has specificlly said to hold the rights to veto any judgement.
    when it comes with the trial UI, the one thing i didnt get till about a third of the way through was the promps at the top saying which part of the evidance its considering, like yes i know who the culprit is, the murder weapon and such, but it asks for a specific order for what ever fucking reason. the reason tectone didnt is he noticed the text and followed it, this was a case the text at the top blended in and it was chance of noticing it or not.
    the only thing i can think of with the writers reasoning for the traveler hating on lyney and lynette for hiding them being fatui is the trust factor, childe is 100% up front with him self, well the ones that go out of their way to hide they are tend to be what the travelers dont trust. like theres one in sumeru as a side quest of basicly child trafficing and going out of his way to hide hes fatui, the ending of that side quest particularly has 2 options that for those who havnt done it i wont spoil.
    the thief npc was actually something i noticed it was the exact same model as the one picked for the magic show, but because how consistent genshin uses the same model so god dam much its hard to consider if it was a different char or the same. this is exactly what people want to ask key NPCs to have unique aspects about them to let them notice this shit.
    i think the only reason when the serial killer finally gave up is because he knew that his only source of sinthe was not only compimized(it is mentioned that its something rare he found), but all the evidence that he didnt even know was comprimized is still there and he cant do anything about it in his current situation.

  12. niceeee….. First time I did a big big break during sumeru but enjoyed exploring Fontaine hahahaaaaaa… why does the one look like young Christoph waltz hahahhaaaaaaa…. But I think you can always use the boat hahahaaaaa made the mistake that I tried to change the charackter hahahaaaaaa…. Love the new mechanic with the blue ways hahahaaaaaa…. Love the place in city with the sprinting water hahahaaaaaa

  13. i feel sorry for the players that don’t appreciate sumeru, it is the most diverse region/ culture/ music and lore. so unique and emotional

    also true i feel like shit when playing scara from gameplay to personality. he’s the worst

  14. I really don't think that Paimon would be hated as much as she is, if hoyoverse just makes the main character have more voiced lines instead of having Paimon reiterate everytime, I also think that if Paimon is supposedly in theory is the unknown god, and even if not I think hoyoverse should have given Paimon more usefullness like a buffer whenever we're engaging in combat, that way she's not just a useless/annoying companion, cuz right now she's just an unecessary character/companion

  15. my thoughts on the Traveler's feelings on Lyney: I think it's because the Traveler senses that Lyney and Lynette still aren't being honest with them. With Childe, he was always forthright in his actions. The Traveler never trusted him and actively saw that he cares for his family. The traveler always expected Childe to have different motives and the events of Liyue ended up being orchestrated by its own archon. With Lyney and Lynette, they were somewhat blindsided by the lie, because Lyney's talents are in deception. There's also the implication that Lyney knows something about the police officer dissolving in front of the court. We've seen throughout the whole game that the traveler can be very perceptive. I think they feel something else is wrong with the whole Lyney and Lynette situation, so they are distancing themself for now. I would also say that most of the times that the traveler has had an encounter with anyone from the House of Hearth, it's ended tragically or very narrowly avoided tragedy.

  16. The Genshin Impact Community is full of CRIT META leakers who want to destroy the game. I hope Hoyoverse responds in kind by giving ZERO REWARDS in the coming anniversary AND BLAMES THE LEAKERS FOR IT!

  17. Focalor's is basically just Hydro Fischle, she's overly dramatic to hide how insecure she actually is, the only difference is the Hydro Archon has actual power and influence, Fischle is just a kid in Mondstadt with some friends that humour her personality.

    Both Furina and Fischle can be charming at times, but on the whole, their both generally just annoying and tedious to deal with and their overly dramatic nature constantly causes problems, only with Furina, her actions have consiquences.

    As soon as we arrive at Fontaine, Furina challenges us to a duel in the name of spectacle, then charges us with an absolutely insane crime in what is clearly a bloated and awful list of laws, which i can only presume is her fault, then during then constantly gets herself into trouble during basically every court case, as she accidentally accuses people of crimes and if it wasnt for us, Furina would have been doing nothing but making up false narratives and getting innocent people put in Prison.

    She is easily the worst Archon, she is basically the Antagonist of Fontaine right now.
    Most of the Problems with the Nation as a hold seem to stem from her.

    She has the worst personality, temperament and one of the must underwhelming designs of any archon to Date, she is easily, the worst Archon, and i dont think i rate her that highly within the full roster of Characters either.

    Neuvillette by Contrast is an actually nuanced character with interesting things going on and he absolutely should be the Archon, he's the Hydro Dragon for sure, and honestly, i hope Fontaine is revealed to be the one nation not actually ruled by its Archon but actually just ruled by it's Elemental Dragon.


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