A Video About The Current State of Genshin Impact

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28 thoughts on “A Video About The Current State of Genshin Impact”

  1. genshin sucks, it is a mini game simulator and a gacha on top of that. Jesus christ mihoyo do something. We are spending hundreds of bucks and months of our time grinding to fight hilichurls. If Hoyo just says sike bye at the end of the road map that would be insane. A literal money grab wash and repeat, like a dead cow milked to death and left on the field with nothing for it. They really need to decide what they are doing, or maybe theyve already decided, grab as much money as possible and dont care about the end result cuz it surely feels like it

  2. Sadly, most of the community care more about getting primogems than the game actually improving. I’m confident Mihoyo could have an update that adds literally no content and just give out a couple thousand primogems and most of the community would say its the best update ever. Those people don’t realize that primogems are worthless if you have nothing to do with the characters you pull for.

  3. besides the no end game content. its just the lack of communication from the devs to their players. the fixes and suggestions we want they just disregard it. you're right im just playing this game hoping one day it will change because I really liked the game. they send surveys per month but nothing even happens I stopped answering that survey and also stopped buying welkin cant support something that has no care for their players

  4. For us 6 mos. to 1+ year veterans, that's the thing about gacha games really (or in general, long-term games with periodic updates). It gets old. There's always a lull period at the latter half of a patch where the only thing left is to wait for the next update, and it gets worse as more patches come out. And just like long-running animes; tropes, stories, and themes will get recycled while they insert "filler" episodes at various points in the overall story.

    Inasmuch as the game deserves its criticism, I still give props to Hoyoverse for consistently sticking to their update schedule given the monstrous amount of effort they put out in every 6 week timeframe; much more in a 1 year timeline. "Massive open world rpg" (with considerable effort put into actual worldbuilding and storytelling btw) and "frequent updates" don't mix well, but Hoyoverse made it happen.

    Still, keep up with the criticisms, feedback, and suggestions. We always want a better game after all.

  5. Exactly! I get a lot of criticism and BS nonsense about me ranting about how dry Genshin is, the fact that I'm a veteran player that played the game since launch, you can't lie about having fun if your in the same situation as me, it's not about speedrunning or not speed running new content, it's about not having endgame content for veteran players to do other than abyss that you only do twice a month. Genshin for us veteran is a desert right now, new players will get to this point too but it's gonna be a long way before that happens so they don't experience this frustration that Veteran players feel about the game.

  6. Honkai Impact went through the same issue but nobody seems to care about it because players were farming items for ALL of the characters they obtained , unlike Genshin just 8 characters and everyone else in the dust

    If you don't like Genshin anymore, please take the exit door and leave others enjoy the game

  7. This game is like a titanic, starting off good then hit the iceberg, as in end game content, then it start crumbling down… Unless they're doing some really crazy shit like straight up giving people 180 pulls or some shit in the 2nd "anniversary" in which they fucked up the first one and has never redeem them self in, I don't think there's anyway they can pull this off.. this game has nothing but pulls and pulls so the only way to attract anyone back is to, simple, let them pull.. I've been away for 2 months already and I love every single second of it, no more FOMO bullshit with the banners, no more urge to keep logging in for some random ass gems I don't care about to do the only end game content I've already beaten

  8. Genshin Impact fails to hook in its playbase although the updates are better than most other games in similar popularity size like Minecraft. That game barely has any updates except bug fixes until the next yearly patch but still maintains itself with all the many things you can do. Only thing you can do in Genshin is grind, and co op is very limited. There isn't anything that makes Genshin Impact able to survive long term without updates which other games can.

  9. I can't say I agree with you saying the game is good for new players.

    Imagine you were a new player to Genshin (already a big mistake in my book lmao), you complete the intro quest and what not, and it introduces the wishing system. Ckeck the banners and you'll be greeted with a character banner that is not from Mondstadt, say Inazuma for example. And you, hypothetically, being the 0.7% people to get it in a 10-pull you get the character, and you level 'em up, and you find out that there's no enemies here that can give you the mats in the region you're in. You'll be in a sudden need to rush through the game and actually destroy your fun cuz of a character that's not from the region you start. Shenhe is a character from Liyue, but for some fucking reason she needs mats from Inazuma and Enkanomiya. WHAT'S THE LOGIC BEHIND IT!? Sure, you wanna push the new areas, but damn.

    The same thing, but I think WORSE will happen with 4-stars and 5-stars from Sumeru, Fontaine, etc.

  10. I think the best thing hoyoverse needs to do is fix the pacing of the game. Having to wait a year for every new region is exhausting, especially if the middle is much like it is rn. Having them every half year will still keep it slow while being entertaining

  11. Been here since the launch of the game and videos like this are a regular occurrence to the point it's become predictable. They pop up every single patch during the last couple of weeks, and just repeat the same exact things that have been regurgitated over and over again. Then the comments are just a bunch of doomposting where people act like the game is doomed if it doesn't accommodate to what they personally want in the game every patch. It's the same cycle and each and every time it happens, the game comes away without a single dent put in it despite everyone and their mother swearing it's going tank every other patch.

    I've said it before but genshin really would have been better off if it was more niche like it's sister game, honkai, is. Genshin having the mainstream audience it has is ultimately it's own greatest enemy. Over a year I've wanted the playerbase to bleed out more so the game can be more niche but nope, somehow someway these videos always make their way to my feed every patch.

  12. There are a few easy fixes that the devs could do. First of all, they need to utilize the awesome open world aspect of the game and add "Unusual Hilichurl" type of content to find. Special plants, gems and special types of enemies randomly spawned stuff around the map that you can trade for primogems or other useful stuff.

    Second must have is a 100 floor or never ending "rogue-like" dungeon which costs resin to play for. You can quit and take the prize you have after each 10 floors or continue, but if your team gets wiped out – you lose everything you've earned that run.

    People would have stuff to explore and a nice challenge for the characters we've all build so long.

  13. When you said you keep playing because of the potential I feel the exact same. The realization was dissapointing but relieving in a sense since it means if I part away from the game it wont be too difficult since it never was what I thought it originally was


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