A Truck Load of Genshin Impact Leaks!!! Versions 2.7-3.0

(Insert Witty Joke Here)
Mona and Scaramouche coming back soon?! WHAT IS THE FALSE SKY!!!

Thumbnail art(middle)

#GenshinImpact #Yelan #Hoyoverse #KukiShinobu


43 thoughts on “A Truck Load of Genshin Impact Leaks!!! Versions 2.7-3.0”

  1. Makes little to no sense to have a new weekly boss before Sumeru unless there is a story trick that justifies its presence in the available map (A bit like Maguu Kenki). There are 2 weekly bosses by zone and all the zones already have them. As an exploration loving one I'd love Sumeru new zone ASAP. 🙂

    P.S. : Oh yeah, hopefully Mona won't get a banner. She's already available on standard banner and wasting a banner for any character on it is a waste. I'd love a Qiqi and such banner would be a way to guarantee a character but still. Sooner or later it will happen. Better rerun a character that hasn't been there for long or anew banner.
    Keqing had one but I hope this was the first and last time altogether such thing happen.

  2. Im just hoping the weakly boss will be dottore so i can beat him up all the time i have no words to describe how much i hate dottore after everything her die

  3. the new male 5* in 3.0 could be Cyno. Not a lot of people know him. His whole outfit relating to Anubis (ancient Egyptian god of the dead) leads me to believe he might have some sort high authority.

  4. If it'll come out before Sumeru, I think the new weekly boss would be in northern Mondstadt. There have been some theories trying to estimate when we will be getting this territory and if rumors about Scara being the weekly boss is a possibility, I can see him (or whatever new boss that comes) being there.

  5. Yanfei is back and about time too! Maybe she will be one of the hangout events? Could see 2.7 as Shinobu and Yanfei hangouts. Finally Ludi Harpastum too!
    Edit: I am of the opinion that all four star characters will eventually have a hang out except for the ones who had a story quest.

  6. I was hoping that the character in between Shinobu and Yelan would be mentioned in the video but sad… also if we do get a playable blind character in genshin, that would be amazing to play because it would be a cool as hell concept

  7. I would say with great confidence that I am (yes, I still am) the greatest signora enthusiast, and even hearing the word harbinger is bringing back awful memories

  8. 5
    WAIT A MINUTE I KINDA SEE A PATTERN. So you all know how childe is playable and scara will be soon well signora is not and she was the 3rd harbinger so if im correct with this pattern we will get six harbingers and the others will unfortunatly be killed.


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