I got banned for WHAT?
Clips taken from my Twitch 🎤 – https://www.twitch.tv/astro
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Mograph: https://twitter.com/del1on_80
Thumbnail: https://www.instagram.com/_japse/
Intro Song: ハルジオン (Lone Alpha Remix)
Outro Song: Stay Alive (Batsu Remix)
00:00 Intro
00:44 Genshin worth playing?
01:27 Hutao kisses you
01:40 Day 1 whales be like
01:54 This power…
02:06 Descent to whale begins
02:22 That’s a funny looking Diluc
02:36 How to get Diluc
02:50 I hate Klee
03:01 Every character except Diluc
03:37 What self control looks like
06:36 Just one more pull
07:24 Banned
#GenshinImpact #Eula
did you really get banned?
He's fallen into Gacha Hell with D rank luck
actually i have not spent a penny and the only reason i missed a bunch of characters is cause my last ps4 finally died on me and i got eula and i will most likely get klee so yeah
yoo nice
7:30 I mean their not wrong
Intro is fire
cursed kaeya image D:
1:47 still f2p havent spent 10k yet COPIUM
Wtf the intro is good
Everyone always says that "this is the last pull" But then they wake up 🤣 and still pulling
40 sec intro it was good
Can we just appreciate how the intro is done
lemme try to wish in waterfall
That intro tho
I have C1 diluc lol, thats is the only 5 star exculding traveller.
we got reversed luck
Gawd looking at your C6 Bennett gives me pain
I want to go to the waterfall
I want to pull Klee in the next one