99.9% of Players didn’t know you can do this with Sethos in Genshin Impact
Sethos’ charged attack use his elemental energy to decrease the cooldown of charge time. In this video I will show how to do a simple lifehack and say goodbye to slow casting with charged attack of Sethos
Sethos is a 4 – Star Electro Bow user in Genshin Impact that was released on version 4.7 along with the new 5 – star character Clorinde that is also electro.
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#genshin #원신 #原神 #ГеншинИмпакт #genshinimpact #mockermay #rpg #openworld #memes #bugs #glitches #hoyocreators #sethos
First ❤
K im back to genshin!!!
1st,amazing ❤
When you learn how to play in high ping
Sethos: My fast charge attacks are very limited 🙁
Madam Ping: Let me help you, youngster
Lmao this gonna be apologemed
Can they make Sethos constellation that keep his energy while shot charge attack, I know c6 existed but not as much I guess lol.
Maximum 3 shot with full energy
My guy use the forbidden jutsu
It's my daily life playing at 999ms
Man i am so drowned in wuthering waves that at 1:02 to i thought sethos would dodge the white beams. Btw i love both of these games❤.
Is that rude buster i heard?
why is my clorinde soo weak? am i playing her wrong or is she supposed to be a support? or is it because her skill is lvl4? cuz my fishl fairs better
Dude really went with this stand power!
As 350 ping player who has already adapted to this playstyle , I welcome you. Also try this in Abyss.
I feel like 99.9% of players aren't using McDonalds Wi-Fi