In this video, I discuss various quests if Chasm and things that are weird and unique to Chasm, which cannot be found elsewhere in Teyvat. I hope you enjoy the video ;D
📚 Quests discussed in this video
Archon Quest “Requiem of Echoing Depths”
World Quest “The Missing Miner”
World Quest “The Chasm’s Bounty”
World Quest “Paleontological Investigation in The Chasm”
World Quest “Dimming Mushroom’s Call For Help”
World Quest “The Heavenly Stone’s Debris”
World Quest “Mycological Investigation In The Chasm”
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#GenshinImpact #Chasm
Almost two years into the game and we didn't know a single thing about Paimon's backstory.
That Strange girl… she looks like the girl that was that big fat geo dragon that we battled in Zhonles story quest 2 (me not good at remembering stuff)
Celsestia just be like nailing down the weeds from up there
While fighting a hilichurl i triggered overload reaction and this gas thingy just yeeted me and i lost hp from the impact ~_~
"What followed Qi Ding home?" that line sent literal chills down my spine…istg the world quests in this game have the most unexpected twists.
Im just assuming that we're(or someone else) going to eat that seed one day.
God help this qi ding quest was scary af when i first did it i was very stressed and it even became more creepier after finishing it without understanding what happened or how this guy's daughter is grown up
4:11 wait when does Uncle He pick a fight with the fake treasure hoarder? Is this part of the quest line or is it like a follow up sort of thing that doesn’t give anything? I only remember us rescuing Uncle He in the weird mushroomy area I’ve forgotten the rest! 😅
0:34 okay lmao wtf
0:34 😖 Mo…PRRRF!!!…rax! 😫
"wha u doing here, i thought you go buy milk" killed me 🤣🤣🤣
The planets are look like the ruins in dragonspine
Correct me if I am wrong but I like when You talk inthis video. I do not think you do for your other videos. It's helps me be more engaged. Great job.
The shrivelled seed reminds me of the seed of sumeru from honkai
In a loading screen thing about the chasm, it says
"There are gas leaks that why the miners don't use pyro to light up the way"
(something like that)
I love the voice
Oh poor chunky dragon had one too many rocks from leylines for lunch. XD
My theory is that the fossils are Vishaps like the ones in Enkonomiya. because Liyue has plenty of Geovishaps not to mention the supposed king of the vishaps that we fight all the time for character ascension material. So the hydro, cryo and electro vishaps we see vibing underground in enkonomiya could have had distant cousins in the Chasm. Similar to the Rift hounds which were said to be from Mondstaut but now reside in Inazuma with only a couple welps remaining in Mond
Love the British accent auto-voice . XD Those gasses are also in Enkanomisomething i never understood why they're there.
There is a moon under the chasm. It could be a map glitch, but still the devs should be realized that when creating the maps.