4 Minute Guide to Diona | Genshin Impact

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Intro and Showcase (0:00)
Basic Info (0:20)
Pros and Cons (0:27)
Talents (1:01)
Support – Talent Priority (1:50)
Support – Weapons (2:07)
Support – Artifacts (2:34)
Team Comps (3:20)
Outro (4:21)

Writer: EggsD
Thumbnail: xf3
Voice-over: Zanto
Editor: euphorysm

Special thanks to Cosmic for footage!

Music Used:
Ohayo by Smith The Mister https://smiththemister.bandcamp.com/
Smith The Mister https://bit.ly/Smith-The-Mister-YT
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/_ohayo
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/bzCw4RyFqHo



28 thoughts on “4 Minute Guide to Diona | Genshin Impact”

  1. I have yet to get her, but shit, I would abuse that shit repeatedly …I will definitely come back and look at this guide, and the artifacts are ones that I got rolls on… also would Amos Bow be okay with her? or stick with Favionus? (both I have)

  2. not to mention, her c6 is the main reason I love her so much. and it's pretty underrated const I think since I haven't seen anyone talking about it. her c2 is good and her c4 is useless for most of the players I think but her c6 makes her like Bennett but instead of giving atk boost it gives 200 EM and that is so good since I needn't force sucrose to put in some teams anymore

  3. I didnt get Zhongli, even in his rerun, so I settled with Diona. Boy, she makes everything so easy! Plus, she makes use of my hp% NOs which have been rotting around. She's a pretty solid unit!

    Keep up the amazing work KQM!

  4. My build- 35 k hp, crowned shield, C6.
    2 piece tenacity (increased 20% HP) 2 piece maiden (15% healing bonus). Got max HP substat rolls on my flower and feather.


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