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Intro and Showcase (0:00)
Basic Info (0:20)
Pros and Cons (0:27)
Talents (1:01)
Support – Talent Priority (1:50)
Support – Weapons (2:07)
Support – Artifacts (2:34)
Team Comps (3:20)
Outro (4:21)
Writer: EggsD
Thumbnail: xf3
Voice-over: Zanto
Editor: euphorysm
Special thanks to Cosmic for footage!
Music Used:
Ohayo by Smith The Mister
Smith The Mister
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Music promoted by Audio Library
I hate diona, but I have to feed algorithms Chan
The 2nd best genshin channel in my opinion (its 2nd just bcz im not too understand english T-T)
otherwise known as qiqi killer
Best genshin impact channel on YouTube
Her Cryo Damage Increse when ascending her and her C4 are irritating as heck though lmao
Diona Main DPS when 😂😭✋🏼
I have yet to get her, but shit, I would abuse that shit repeatedly …I will definitely come back and look at this guide, and the artifacts are ones that I got rolls on… also would Amos Bow be okay with her? or stick with Favionus? (both I have)
ahh yes one of the holy 4* trio after Bennett and Xingqiu: Diano
not to mention, her c6 is the main reason I love her so much. and it's pretty underrated const I think since I haven't seen anyone talking about it. her c2 is good and her c4 is useless for most of the players I think but her c6 makes her like Bennett but instead of giving atk boost it gives 200 EM and that is so good since I needn't force sucrose to put in some teams anymore
Kqm forever
ayo drop the build on the intro💳💳💳
I'm using C6 Diona to buff main DPS Sucrose in a reactions team 😁
Man this is quality content. .. points delivered perfectly… this will get you to 100k in short time Keep it up
I didnt get Zhongli, even in his rerun, so I settled with Diona. Boy, she makes everything so easy! Plus, she makes use of my hp% NOs which have been rotting around. She's a pretty solid unit!
Keep up the amazing work KQM!
any thoughts on 2pc millelith and 2pc bolide?
Best Genshin guides 100000%
me: mom can we have qiqi buff (particle generation, utility other than healing, stop stealing your 50/50)
mom: we have qiqi buff at home
qiqi buff at home:
Diona powercreept Qiqi since she came out lmao. Qiqi really need a buff or stop being a 5* character.
Qiqi, a 5-star character, is a budget version of Diona, a 4-star character.
Just wanna say that ur videos are really easy to understand and they help me alot
Now a guide for her arch nemesis, the Mondstadt Wine Industry. Or Diluc. They're one and the same.
Which set is much better for Diona 4pcs noblesse or 4pcs maiden beloved?
Subbed-Loved the musice also ~ Peace
joined the game shortly after the free diona event ended. big sadge
Do xiangling please
Nice builds and guides thanks ! Also i like your music backround LOFI MUSIC ! ✌
wait, no morgana team in recommendation?
Scream in never getting any Maiden Beloved sets, not even the 4*.
My build- 35 k hp, crowned shield, C6.
2 piece tenacity (increased 20% HP) 2 piece maiden (15% healing bonus). Got max HP substat rolls on my flower and feather.