4.2 Drip Market Revealed SECRETS In Genshin Impact
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I called it, I called it, I called it!! I knew that Furina was going to have some sort of connections with With Alice or Nicole!!!!
I hope we get to face a freaking a whale The Knave should be the second weekly boss
Genshin has made it so far. Happy third year anniversary, Genshin! ❤️
I think Farinas attacks will look as if she's commanding an opera.
Furina uses the power of justice ( neuvillete)
Furina is said that she's not the archon but an ordinary girl-
charlotte is like yanfei v2
The vision thing in the drip market, it could just be an inconsistency, the cn dripmarket for Neuvillette had the vision thing but EN did not.
Where is Venti?
Rizzley ahaha
So their's another hydro archon looking in furina safety
Furina ist halt nicht der hydro archon deswegen hat sie keine Vision da oben
Among all the Archons, Furina doesn't show any conviction after finishing all the Archon story of Fontaine so far
Cmon its so obvious neu is the real archon, his kit mirrors hydro traveler and his hair glows and who doesnt like daddy.
I think Furina is going to give up her godhood back to Nuivilette so he can quell the beasts, basically sacrificing everything she holds dear to save fontaine
It seems like Furina isn't actually the hydro Archon, according to the fatui harbinger.
I need Furina 😍
What if they just lied to us and Neuvilette was the archon the whole time
It’s very strange because if furina isn’t the archon then what is she, she possesses hydro powers but she doesn’t have a vision.
Furina gameplay got leaked
More evidence she's not the archon?!
I am guessing furina is going to get a vision in 4.2 archon quest
When I first saw and met Furina I was like “that ain’t no archon” no way in hell does an archon get tricked by a pyro magician of all things. I thought our man nuevellete was the archon in secret but now he’s a dragon….still believe that he’s the one that’s got more sway and power than furina or even worse there is no hydro archon
Camera user
"- A disordered fable left in someone's dream by Mage 'N'."
Nichole of the Hexenzirkel?!! The one who talked to us?!! 😧
I still thing she is The Fake Hydro Archon they might be something else in Fontaine
Let's just appreciate how much a lot of time he puts in these awesome videos to make our day, huge respect! 😘 👍
I going to try and get Furina and Charlotte when they come out depends on how long it will take to get just one of because I want to have enough for The Knave
I think she doesnt have a vision because Fontaine has two types of vision and she can control both of them so I think that is why
Look in Charlottes BACKGROUND !
Poor Furina probably isn’t even the active Archon at this point, either way she sure is struggling a lot
pooprina the hydro archon
Charlotte is indeed a cryo catalist user and she’s a healer, as for Focalors the mace shes holding is her signature weapon with 88.4CD%
Charlotte actually ends up being the second cryo catalyst
What about Venti? Does he have vision on the background?
im skipping the entire 4.1 banners idc
i need more hydro characters
She dont have visuon casing because as arlochino say she is not archon at all😂😂😂😂
Nah I think she is a camera user-
The missing vision thing is due to the fact that there are two versions of the Fontaine visions, so to prevent the devs from making a fusion of them or two of them on one background so they ended up just not adding any of them for those who don't have one AKA Neuvillette and Furina.
Furina doesn't have a vision cause she's both Ousia and Pneuma at the same time.
Been excited for Furina for quite a while. But I promised myself I’d get Hu Tao while I could.
Skippin both of em 😊