3 Reasons Ganyu Will *Never* Get Rerun | Genshin Impact

I am just one man’s opinion.


37 thoughts on “3 Reasons Ganyu Will *Never* Get Rerun | Genshin Impact”

  1. I'd say the same for Bennett. Tbh, releasing Bennett at the start of the game with that ridiculous skill kit is one of the worst thing Mihoyo did profit-wise. Because of him, every support unit (even those that heals) that will be released in the future will always be compared to him and of course, they'll always be underwhelming which means people will pull less unless it's waifu/husbando or anti-meta reasons. Even worse for Mihoyo, he's a 4* unit that is easier to max out constellation than a 5* unit, a Pyro unit that has the best elemental reactions and resonance too.

    Of course you could say "why not release a unit that's BETTER than Bennett", they most likely won't do that because it's not like people will replace Bennett but instead add THAT new unit to stack the damage buff with Bennett (like what people are doing now with Bennett + Sara for Electro units). Or even put the new unit to 2nd team in Spiral Abyss.

  2. A new enemy similar to magu genki that blocks or add auto reflection protectiles mechanics. This is new and fun. My old characters get to shine. Also breaking that genshin community mob mentality of “one is sufficient than all others”

  3. I guess now i understand why my boyfriends brother was so pissed when i pulled ganyu first try as a F2P. um – speaking of that, I sort of stopped playing right after i got her and have no idea what i am doing. I really only came back to the game because i thought kokomi would look good with ganyu and i always go for healer types in any game. so i was like "best healer in game? sure i'll come back and give it a pull" I got her 🙂 anyway so i'm not really sure how best to use my team. atm, my team is lvl 70 noel (my only shield), lvl 70 ganyu (dps), lvl 70 xiangling (dps), lvl 60 kokomi (healer). Any tips would be appreciated. things like "damage qualifiers" goes right over my head. >.>

  4. The best damage limiter for Ganyu is mobile and controller gaming, it takes her damage from OP to reasonable.
    I play with a controller on PC and I own Ganyu and she is good, but not broken using a controller.

  5. I think they won't release her now simply because 2.2 update coming next is FREE ALLOY update.
    Nobody's gonna pull on a 5 star Cryo archer when you also get a FREE 5 star Cryo Archer. It's counter intuitive and would damage sales.
    Besides, Ganyu is a VERY WEAK CHARACTER! All her power comes from Amos Bow, which by the way is just as strong on ANY other Archer.
    Without Amos Bow, Ganyu is one of the weakest 5 stars in the game in terms of damage. Almost anyone can out DPS her. I had Ganyu since release with gears farmed and everything, but I never got Amos back then only got it last month when I lost 50/50 to Thunder Bow. So let me tell you playing Ganyu is the worst thing in the game if you don't have Amos. I have her at lvl 90 and she does super mediocre damage. A single charged from Hutao (70-80k dmg) does 4x more dmg than one charged from Ganyu (9k-10k dmg x2). So you're wrong. It's not her that's the issue. It's Amos.

  6. I love my Ganyu she does it all! Great dps, great sub-dps, great taunt, great buff. I'm thinking of getting Koko for her as a freeze partner and for heals although she rarely needs them. I'm torn honestly … because you are right once you have Ganyu you don't really need anyone else.

  7. i disagree, not because you are wrong about ganyu. but mihoyo is a company and they want to make money even despite running one of the worst selling units for a 2nd time (for story i suppose). so ofc they'll rerun ganyu

  8. Just gonna correct you. Childe will be having his "Second" rerun, and not "Third Rerun" which you give emphasis on tone
    Childe banner was on these patches.

  9. actually, Childe rerun is good, because you can wish for Childes bow instead and give it to Ganyu, The issues that i currently have with My Ganyu is 34% crit rate and her burst not being so strong when I want her to be both main DPS and support for ayaka at the same time, this new weapon fixes both problems and provides huge atack bonus, for me its like a better version of amos bow and best part is, you dont have to decide between the bow and ganyu, you can get both

  10. I actually was wondering why do people think that Mihoyo is going to rotate all the characters the same way? I've always had the feeling some characters are gonna appear less frequently to make them more valuable. Kazuha is another character i suspect being harder to reappear.

  11. If ganyu is too strong then they probably should never rerun zhongli, kazuha, benet, xinqu and xiangling… i dont even use ganyu because she is so boring


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