3.7 Livestream Reaction (FONTAINE & YOIMIYA STORY QUEST PT2) | Genshin Impact

3.7 Livestream Reaction for Genshin Impact! This special program was fantastic! I was NOT expecting Pom Pom’s assisstant.. er… I mean… Charlotte! What are your thoughts on 3.7, the reruns, the banners, and Fontaine crumbs??

#genshinimpact #genshin #hoyocreators #hoyoverse #fontaine #yoimiya #mondily #genshinlivestream


7 thoughts on “3.7 Livestream Reaction (FONTAINE & YOIMIYA STORY QUEST PT2) | Genshin Impact”

  1. What a great thing to wake up to first thing in the morning!!! Yoimiya mains rise up 🧨🧨🧨

    I am actually really looking forward to this update!!

  2. I had a feeling about Yoimiya having a rerun, but I wasn't sure which Phase she'll land on. This is why I didn't pull on Baizhu's banner. YOIMIYA WILL BE MINE!!! LUL -BlazerkingTTV


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