[3.6] Fontaine Speculations – Genshin Impact

I haven’t talked about Fontaine at all even though we’re getting pretty close… so I thought it was time to share some of my thoughts on what we might see in the next region!

Note: this does not contain any of my wishlist items OR game mechanics. It’s just some small plot & lore thoughts working with what little information we currently have.

Triangulating Celestia’s Location: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ekm0_gwPvg4
Vibro Crystal: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Vibro-Crystal/2023-03-14/Story
Toymaking Event: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/A-Toymaking_We_Shall_Go
Vourukasha’s Glow: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Vourukasha%27s_Glow
Pari Quest: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Khvarena_of_Good_and_Evil
Wishful Drops: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Wishful_Drops/Story
Chapter 3 Archon Question Q&A: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/A_Toast_to_Victory
Westinghouse TR-2: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westinghouse_TR-2
Apaosha: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apaosha
Tishtrya (Tir Yazad): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tishtrya
Unicorn: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicorn
Monstrum – Unicorns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqvpfHHfCl8
Fate & Fabled – Unicorns: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqpkZMECnsc
The Last Unicorn: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084237/
Kelpies, Hippocamps, and Water Horses: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_horse
Focalor: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_demons_in_the_Ars_Goetia#Focalor


44 thoughts on “[3.6] Fontaine Speculations – Genshin Impact”


    – Even though I was reading up on the Hippocamp, I completely forgot to dig into Poisidon. As the greek god of the sea, he was also considered the Tamer of All Horses, sometimes called the Father of all Horses too. So there was my horse/unicorn&water connection myth. Dangit.

    – I completely forgot about Julien. Thankfully I don't think his dialog has anything TOO new that we didn't already learn elsewhere but… acknowledgement.

  2. This has been the nation I've been waiting for since the beginning of the game. I've been working on my Fontaine character and his stats for over a year trying to have it finished by the time Fontaine comes out.

  3. SPOILER about Vorukasha Oasisi Quest and Artifacts Set.
    Probably we'll see something based on alchemy or something related to it. During , the war I think, some Fontaine group got inside the Azotite furnace and found somethin and decide to use it as energy source back home. My point is the diary we read during the mission, where someone wrote about " all teeth have come in" which is totally strange. You don't send kids so far, unless they are something special. The writer of the diary even said something that was wrote in the Nymph's dream artifact set, about heroes , dragons and the Narzissen/Narzissenkreuz Institute. Also I'm pretty sure the directors of this Institute are the Oceanids.

  4. I had an idea that Fontaine would be a sort of westworld type place. Everyone is so well behaved they have to use puppets/robots to be the criminals/bad guys, just so they can live out their hero/justice desires and fantasies.

  5. my current theory is that focalors is one of the oceanids who drank water of the amrita during the search for the deceased hydro archon resulting in the oceanid's ascension into archonship

  6. I am 100% convinced this is Anne Hathaway's secret channel where she just is able to explore her deep and secretive love for Genshin impact and it's lore outside of her Fame.

  7. Definitely could have some ties to the guided age !! When child labor was allowed, and workers had no protections from corporations . Interested to see how they will handle class struggle specifically in the region of Justice , if that is a plot point at all.

  8. If Fontaine doesn’t have an underwater city like rapture in bioshock, it’d be the biggest missed opportunity I can imagine when steampunk and water are Fontaine’s most notable features

  9. Theres a certain npc at night in sumeru city where she talks about monster sea bones which are the remains of sea monsters and you can make weapons out of them which makes me think that were getting another dragonspine material in form of sea monster bones

  10. Cant wait! I believe we’re gonna get some huge sewers as a map: it was spoiled in a world quest that Fontaine has a huge sewer system.. hopefully the theme of water is gonna come in these alternate ways.. enough islands! Ty for the videos!

  11. I get the feeling we're going to meet a sustainer or shade in fontain. The loading screen says "teyvat has its own laws" and given fontain is all about judging and avoiding judgement i feel like we're gonna fight some judge in celestia with folcalors

  12. It would be very interesting to see Focalor be judged im her own court, imagine them finding the highest form of Justice to be guilty…I mean so far we’ve seen archons be the opposite of what they represent, Zhongli is the god of mora and contract, yet is broke and is looking to end all contracts, Ei is the god of eternity, yet her people defy her and force her to move, Nahida is the god of wisdom, but she is still learning lots of things…

  13. Also I predict some sort of diving mechanic to be introduced. Theres an NPC in Sumeru that mentions a diving training in Fontaine, but the water there is different. So the diving mechanic will probably only work in a specific area. Probably similar to the new flying mechanic in the desert.

  14. In the Caribert quest, we found out that we are approaching the part in our sibling's journey where they started to turn towards the Abyss. So I'm really curious to see if something happens in Fontaine that really turns our current worldview on its head. Some Celestia lore could really play into that!

  15. With all the camera and movies I suspect there will be a big theater of some sort that will play a role in the story. Kaveh's mom may be introduced. Mona writes for a astrology magazine, so she may pop up or be mentioned, especially since she is also hydro. Dvorak and a music festival may show up, there are plenty of musician and performer characters that can be included in such an event.

  16. Amrita: Is heavenly nectar in Hindu Mythology which was obtained through (was one of the main purpose of) "Samudra Manthan"(Churning of the ocean). Drinking Amrita gives Immortality.

  17. oh god I know fontaine is still 4 patches away, BUT imagine we become a fugitive yet again, and there is a game mechanic throughout the whole AQ where you are blocked from entering a certain area due to you being wanted, have a timer for how long you can stay in a place, or from the map, you can see how much percentage in that area where you are less likely to be reported

  18. When I think of Celestia being smack dab right over Fontaine, and everything about Fontaine being so sus, it reminds me of the Japanese proverb that goes something along the lines of "it's darkest under the lighthouse"


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