Genshin Hitboxes are INCREDIBLY Janky | Genshin Impact

#genshin #mihoyo #fixpls

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30 thoughts on “Genshin Hitboxes are INCREDIBLY Janky | Genshin Impact”

  1. Brooo I just got mad about this earlier ๐Ÿ™„โ— same damn fight. Felt like a clown tryna fight and missing. Like come on.

    As a diluc main ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿพโ€โ™‚๏ธ

  2. I only find Andrius annoying yeah just because of what you said of how he has janky hit box can be, but oceanid in vagabond is beyond a level of annoying in regards to her hit box.

  3. Yeah I feel it constantly as diluc vs andre. But that's only my second peeve lately. They also put a huge nerf with auto lock on, makes it horrible trying to use certain abilities

  4. Boss: I-Frames Player
    Player: You're NOT allowed to do that. Only I'm allowed to I-Frame you Boss
    Also Player: It's the Hit Box that's the problem, not me.

  5. I've known this for a long time and it doesn't really bother me at all. If you know his patterns, they you'd know when to unleash all of your attacks at him in the case of Andrius. After all of that hacking and slashing, there's a point of calm before another storm of attacks approaches. You just gonna give some patience, that's all.

    But the annoying thing about hitboxes is when reaching a certain amount of HP against bosses especially Azhdaha I'm looking at you. Before he transforms, you can't damage him any further and that's just annoying. Why not just increase RES before he transforms? Like what am I going to do when he's doing that? And the fact that when someone's being "trapped" (most of time, it is the 2nd player who accepted the invitation in 4 players co-op, basically beside the host) in the cutscene of his transforming is pretty annoying too. Same thing with that new oceanid in vagabond sword event. Ngl, that even at max score is harder than spiral abyss. It just wastes time a lot.

  6. Iโ€™ve donโ€™t have Venti or Xiao so flying into the air with Kazuha is new to me but to me at least Iโ€™m wondering why am I getting hit when Iโ€™m literally so high in the air these hit boxes must be huge.

  7. Andrius and Azhdaha are the best examples of this. They have some sort of invisible force field preventing you from touching them when they use certain moves. There's also ruin guards whose feet doesn't seem to be hitboxes when they're sitting (disabled).

  8. Lol, yep. And some of the bugs are batshit hilarious and frustrating. If you haven't seen it already, look up the bug where zhongli kills himself with his own alt. Hahahahha!


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