3.6 Banner Guide! DON'T WASTE YOUR PRIMOGEMS! Constellation and Weapon Priorities – Genshin Impact

A quick and dirty guide with charts and math where I talk about investment order and priority for Nilou, Nahida, and Nilou&Nahida banners in Genshin Impact patch 3.5. I also talk about their weapons as well, A Thousand Floating Dreams and the Key of Kjah-Nisut

0:00 | Intro and Content
1:16 | Nilou Chart
5:12 | Nahida Chart
8:56 | Nilou & Nahida Chart

#genshin #genshinimpact #nilou #nahida


21 thoughts on “3.6 Banner Guide! DON'T WASTE YOUR PRIMOGEMS! Constellation and Weapon Priorities – Genshin Impact”

  1. i was able to get deyha, nahida, then nilou in order with 20k primos & 20 fates, now i’m drained to 2k but i’m very happy with the results. good luck to everyone else on their pulls!

  2. So in these charts you gave ~40% increase to Nilou and ~15% increase to team damage with Nilou's weapon, which is a pretty large increase overall, but we should also take into consideration that Nilou's sword is the only HP sword in the game right now. Currently, we are reaching a critical mass of HP scaling sword characters added to the game (with Nilou, Layla, Kuki and the new cat that is in beta) where it warrants the addition of more accessible HP scaling options for sword characters. Whether this will happen with a new blacksmith recipe, a gacha-exclusive 4-star or an event weapon, we stand to see, but I do believe it might happen soon. Considering that, could you add another sheet assuming a fictitious HP sword with believable stats for a 4-star and no other synergy with Nilou's kit as the F2P option?
    I know it's a weird thing to add because what you want to show the player is the comparation with what you can currently obtain in the game, but I feel like Nilou is in a weird situation currently in the game because there isn't really any suitable F2P weapon for her right now, and that might heavily skew the numbers in favour of the key. Even with a F2P HP sword, the key will still have the upper hand as it increases health by a LOT and also shares EM with the whole team, but once f2p nilou can maximize her passive I think the numbers might be a lot closer and it would change how valuable the key is in these charts

    TLDR the key of khaj-nisut is currently the only way for Nilou to maximize her team-wide HP-to-bloom-damage talent, and I feel like that inflates the pull value in this chart. What happens once F2P Nilou can also maximize her talent through a theoretical 4-star HP sword, good artifact luck and hydro resonance?

  3. right now i have Nahida c1 with Sac frags and no Nilou but i have her sig weapon. I am probably just a 10 pull away from the guarantee 5 star. Was thinking on waiting till Biezhu cus he looks more intereasting but Nilou looks fun. Any thoughts on what would be more fun to roll on? i can clear abyss already. Nahida c2 or nilou or wait till next banner?

  4. Used up all my 42 intertwined fates last night, and that got me The bell, two Dori (2 constellations), and one Kuki.

    …… I mean… happy about the Kuki! Hoping to save up enough to get a chance at Nahida, but there's a big chance I'm going to lose my 50/50 as I got Ayaka last run. 🙁

    Hope and well wishes for all your pulls! And some hope for me to maybe win my 50/50 xxx

  5. With 150 wishes I got c1 Nilou (Double in one 10 pull (I had to hit hard pity tho) and then I got the Key

    And with my last few wishes I got Nahida. Hopefully I can get her weapon or R2 key

  6. Hlo bro I have a doubt
    My first character was keqing and then after that I got nilou
    Now I got shenhe . I got 2 limited banner 5 star characters and my first 5 star was keqing from permanent wish banner
    Please tell my next 5 start chances would be guaranteed bannere or 50-50

  7. I was bored woth the game.. thought i should uninstall it and take a break for few months… Had few primos left so thought might as well wish one last time before uninstalling.. ended up getting Nilou at 2 pitty.. someone please explain what just happened 😶


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