3.2 Livestream Revealed the Truth about Genshin Impact:

Don’t get mad, don’t stress out, Genshin Impact will still have some fun stuff coming… just a video to confirm what we already knew was the truth


31 thoughts on “3.2 Livestream Revealed the Truth about Genshin Impact:”

  1. That's one of the main reasons to get rewards everyone's not like @Mtashed who can spend money on their game and spend their most time on it. (Even if he doesn't play the game the whole day, his editor did.) And Personally, He's targeting the VA's which is totally nonsense they will do what the script has given to them. Sorry to say but he has to mention that he is targeting the Devs of Hoyoverse, not VA's and as he hasn't mentioned now watching these content creators audience will create hate among the VA's as we all know how's our community. And @Mtashed we all know the truth of yours, If you don't like this game as it is not providing end-game content then why don't u shift to another game and please stop creating hate as your own sentences are contradicting to each other at one side you are saying "It's not providing End Game Content I will not play this game." and on the other hand, you are still playing it. So stay still with what you have to say.

  2. I'm going to fight that boss with Yun Jin as my main dps with Kujo Sara, Thoma, and Xinyan. Is it going to be optimal? Not even close, and that's the point. If Hoyo isn't going to give me a good fight I'll turn it into a good fight myself.

  3. Well I disagree with you. I also think that there should be posibility of higher difficulty for players that already build their teams pretty well so its too easy for them. But. I also agree with livestream (nahidas and aethers actors) that its a good thing that primogems arent locked behind these super hard challenges for whales and extreme players that play since the beginnning and need a challenge. I think that right now its pretty good that the lowest reward gives you primos and the higher ones gives you some things that aren't so rare like crystal chunks, mora or exp books. But of course they could add higher difficulty, just not with primos as rewards, please.

  4. Bruh the spiral abyss is hard as crap. Of course someone who started the game in 2020 and spends 40,000 a month, has the best artifacts, and has triple crowned a good chunk of their characters, of course they are not going to have no trouble with it. However, people such as myself, who have not spent money on the game, are going to have a REALLY hard time with the end game content. Spiral abyss is just way too hard and i'm glad they are not adding any new end game content, for both myself and new players.

  5. 1. This isn’t me saying “oh my god mtashed is such an idiot he doesn’t pay attention to the live-streams” but in the second phase of the scara boss fight you won’t be able to do any damage with your characters and it will be done by your little cute buddy. But you will probably be able to kill the first phase rather easily I guess. 2. The main thing I hate about whales besides there constant need for everything bc some act like since they spent too much money on their own decision then blame it on the company and act like the company should do whatever they want is that if a boss is done by the characters they own they say “oMg ThIs BoSs iS tOo EaSy GiVe Us SoMe DiFfIcUlT cOnTeNt!” Then for bosses like the scara one where the damage is dealt by an “external” thing they just go “OmG tHiS iS sOoOoOo BoRiNg WhY cAn’T i BeAt ThIs BoSs UsInG mY oWn ChArAcTeR’s??.?.?.?” Then we ask “then what do you want” and they something like “oh we want a boss that can take some hits from my account” then this dream boss of theirs is something with like 50 billion health and makes the game unplayable in that area for any non spenders. 3. I didn’t have this in mind when first typing but I just remembered that even if what you said about if the scara boss had more health in first phase it looks like it would be cool to have to dodge the attacks but everyone who has Zhongli would just use him and completely ignore everything. And that’s why I haven’t and will not pull for Zhongli. It seems that if I did the game would just become too easy.

  6. I’d say the vast majority of us are casual, locking primo gems behind being super strong in events like this would be not good for casual players. Personally I agree :/
    I don’t want events to lock primos behind thing I probably can’t beat.

  7. If you spend 8 hours a day since the start of a game till the present, it doesn't matter what content they bring it will always be too easy. That's the nature of a pve game. I spent 5k hours in warframe, there was nothing they could add that would make it challenging. This is the way it is

  8. It's all business for them. They reacted that way because they realized that most people are only doing these events for collecting primogems. About the word "anxious", I am sure they didn't use it all of a sudden (otherwise it would be stupid for their own business). They would have collected data and come to a conclusion about anxiety. One such thing PROBABLY is that most people go for spiral abyss once or twice but then come back or they delayed adventure accession in the fear of increasing difficulty. I don't think they higher management (not the developers as they code) decided after doing lots of statistics and then coming publicly. But at the same time, I do feel losing customers is also a loss for them so they will try to accommodate that if that happens.

  9. it's ridiculous that they expect us to pull for 5* weapons and characters but then they are like



  10. I went back to Tower of Fantasy and I’ve been having a blast. I’m more likely to spend on ToF than in Genshin cos there is endgame, guild systems, difficult world bosses to test your dmg. If you’ve been gone from ToF for a month, I advise you to play it again. Genshin is a perfect side game, ToF main game.

  11. It's pretty blatant the effort the script writers spent on dedicating these consequent reactions to assure that the game is casual and will remain casual.
    No point on wasting more of your money in this game other than to collect your favorite waifus/husbandos. Don't fall in the weapon trap, as 4 star weapons are enough to clear full abyss all stars. Nothing else matters, it's meaningless, just enjoy it for the story on each release and that's it.

  12. That's one of the main reasons to get rewards everyone's not like @Mtashed who can spend money on their game and spend their most time on it. (Even if he doesn't play the game the whole day, his editor did.) And Personally, He's targeting the VA's which is totally nonsense they will do what the script has given to them. Sorry to say but he has to mention that he is targeting the Devs of Hoyoverse, not VA's and as he hasn't mentioned now watching these content creators audience will create hate among the VA's as we all know how's our community. And @Mtashed we all know the truth of yours, If you don't like this game as it is not providing end-game content then why don't u shift to another game and please stop creating hate as your own sentences are contradicting to each other at one side you are saying "It's not providing End Game Content I will not play this game." and on the other hand, you are still playing it. So stay still with what you have to say.

  13. They could add another level in a weekly boss like where their level is 100 and for reward, just two guaranteed 5* artifacts. Now don't tell me this might create "anxiety" 💀

  14. If HYV business model is to leave there games lacking something so you will go play another title of theres then I refuse to play any of the new games. Genshins already perfect it just needs a lil something for veterans to do and if theyd concentrate on that they wouldnt need to make 5 other games.

  15. I’m sorry but some type of end game needs to be implemented. Why are C6 R5 limited characters and weapons available but no end game content. The community have started to come up with their own explanations of ‘C6 R5 is just for bragging rights’ like no that’s incorrect. People spend for a stronger account too..

  16. Genshin was my first game where I had to build characters and play open world, and for me, it was super difficult at first. I had to watch a bunch of videos to understand how to build characters cause I couldn't beat even wild hillichurls sometimes. Reacently I opened a new acc in another server and it's super easy, I defeat the bosses super quickly and I started to understand how you good players feel! It's a shame for players who spend money and play a little bit more seriously.
    It would be cool for them to post about the statistics of their player base and results of the surveys that way we could understand why they took that decision. Or at least if they could give an explanation based on facts and not "its anxiety inducing" if your gameplay brings anxiety you are not preparing your players right by giving the right tools and explanations or having too much of a gap, do not abandon you end of game players just for us newbies that are trying their best. Also for easy I'll go play other games right?


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